Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring Break!

Poor Brent, for his Spring Break he got to stay home and watch Ava for me while I worked :( Is busy season over yet?? I can't wait until I'm working 20 hours a week. We had one nice weather day where Ava could go out and enjoy her water table.

On Thursday, my day off, we decided to do something fun. We went to the aquarium in Grapevine. It was a perfect time to go because Ava is still very much in love with the Little Mermaid. She was so excited to go see fish!

See the shark swimming over Ava's head?

The shark tunnel


I think the jelly fish were my favorite. They had a light shining in the tank that made them seem to be changing colors.

We got to pet star fish and also see an unfertilized shark egg.
We also liked watching the sea horses get fed.

After the aquarium we went to a 50s diner by our house for shakes and "bies" (fries).  Ava is so obsessed with fries lately.

That night (Thursday) we watched "Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day." I don't know why but I thought it was so funny. I was laughing my head off the whole time. Brent was cringing the whole movie and it was stressing him out. Which was making me laugh harder.

Since I worked a crazy lot on one of my audits my boss told me and Brent to go to dinner and a movie and send him the check. So I chose to see the movie Cinderella, and go to Outback. We went on Friday afternoon and I loved the movie! Brent thought it was forgettable, in case you were wondering. Brent wanted to bring Ava along and she did pretty good. As soon as it was over she asked for more horses. She liked that part.

(That is drool! Ava is still drooling. Oh my gosh).

Afterwards, at Outback, Ava was pretty cute for part of the time and pretty crazy for the rest of the time. I told Brent I'm getting a babysitter next time so we can have a real date! Because, you can't have a real date when your toddler does this:

And sometimes she tries to steal your man:

And forget the romantic car ride home:

On Saturday after our chores and homework, we went to meet our friend Chris at an old-fashioned ice cream shop in downtown Denton. Denton is pretty small, so their downtown is just basically one block, called "the Square," which kind of reminds me of the "plazas" in South America. It's pretty ugly if you ask me, but we took a picture in front of one of the pretty places:

The ice cream shop:
Side note from this week: Brent introduced Ava to Peter Pan and he helps her fly around our living room during the appropriate moments. She yells "fly! fly! wahooo!" as they go. It's so cute! Yesterday Ava was being a little naughty (can we say that yet Tammy, now that she's 2? Haha!). She was getting into everything and being super busy. So Brent said, "Ava, this isn't going to fly. If you don't behave you're going to your bed." And Ava just perked up and said "fly???"

This is girl is crazy about her daddy! Here's a video of them that's so cute but for some reason silent. Also you should know that Ava's sign of affection is tickling, so when she does "ticka-ticka-ticka" on his face you know she's really loving on him.

1 comment:

  1. cutest video, even without sound. and the romantic car ride home? ha ha. nice boss you got! you deserve one of those paid dates every weekend though since you're working so hard. :)
