Sunday, March 8, 2015

Happy Birthday to me

I got spoiled for my birthday! I worked until 2pm and then Brent, Ava, and I went shopping which is my favorite thing to do :) We got lots of fruits and veggies at Sprouts and I got some presents at Kohls. We also went a couple other places. It was rainy and about to turn into snow so we were racing against time. On the way home from shopping we decided to go straight to my birthday dinner at Black Eyed Pea.
When we got home we got in PJs and started watching only the best present ever, Downton Abbey! It was starting to snow outside and the three of us were all cuddled up. It was perfect and I felt so loved :) Thanks to everyone for the presents and money for my birthday! I'm one lucky girl! Ava also enjoyed getting money and cards in the mail for her birthday.

It's been raining so much here the last couple of weeks. I took a picture of our yard so you can see how it just floods instead of soaking into the ground. Our yard is so muddy! Thursday was another snow day which was sad for Brent but good for me since I had so much work to get done.
On Friday night Brent had invited some friends from school over for a movie. Here is Ava getting all dolled up for the party:
And here's a mirror picture because sometimes we do that.

One friend he had invited for dinner before the movie since she doesn't have a car and would have to come home from school with Brent. She is from France and we had a lot of fun with her. I loved learning about her country and she got to learn about LDS people. Our ward had called a few days before to see if we could feed the missionaries that night so they were there too. Brent's friend Chris came and he baked a cake for my birthday. The number of candles on the cake was unsafe.
During the movie Ava squished on the couch right in between me and our French friend. I thought it was cute :)

Oh, Chris brought his other car, which is the same year and model that Lucy drives in I Love Lucy.

On Saturday we had a birthday party for a little girl in the ward. Ava had fun, of course. Other kids, fun, and food! Although she did try to help the birthday girl unwrap her presents and couldn't understand that it wasn't her birthday.

That afternoon I took her to the park and she had a lot of fun playing with a little boy that happened to come who is her age. She kissed him, by the way, and she also kissed a boy at the birthday party. Haha, at least she's sweet to other boys! Here's my little Ava-worm at the park:

Another week has flown by! We can't wait until Grandma and Grandpa Cowley come in a few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. sometimes we do that. ha ha.
    i like your cake glowing so brightly.
    glad you have so many friends! :) for real though.
