Monday, March 16, 2015

Dress up

Ava's favorite food is spaghetti ("betti") recently. She eats it by the fistful!

We went to the park and she sported her first ponytail:
 Since Ava is transitioning to no naps now, she sometimes gets really tired in the afternoon. Spacing out at the park:

She loves this place under the slide and she pretends to talk and laugh on the phone.

We met a boy her age at the park and she immediately ran up to him and wanted to play with him. He was a little scared at first but eventually warmed up and they had fun copying each other and going down the slide together. A few days later we ran into him again at the park! They are so cute together.

On my day off I thought Ava looked so cute so I did a little impromptu photo shoot in our front yard. A couple problems: I can only get her to do a super squinty smile, and a fire ant crawled up my jeans and bit me a few times while I was taking the pictures. Ouch! But the pictures are still pretty cute, nonetheless. (Also for those of you that haven't seen our house yet, here's your chance!)

Here is Ava at two years old: loving being pretty and pink, and crazy about her baby.

And a couple extra photos:

Everyone says that Ava and her "hmmm" pose is just like Brent. So we got them doing it together, and a little video.

On Saturday evening our friends from the ward had a "mocktail" party. We dressed up and got a babysitter, and spent the evening drinking pina coladas and chatting with our friends. It was fun!

That was our fun week! 

1 comment:

  1. awww, look how much hair she's getting! cutie cutie! i like her boyfriend. :)
