Monday, February 9, 2015

There's an Echo in our House!

This week there has been a little echo in our house. Ava repeats so many of the words we say, and random expressions we make, with the perfect intonation. It cracks me up and makes me think about what I'm saying!

This weekend was a fun one! On Friday night I had a much needed girls night. It was so fun! A few of the girls in my ward drove together to the stake relief society activity. I am trying to get out and make more friends, and Brent was so nice to watch Ava for me all night.

On Saturday we decided it was an IKEA day. It's about 40 minutes to the east of us (which is only part-way across the top of this huge metropolis we live in) so we made a day of it. Ava was a little bonkers in IKEA, running around like a crazy girl, jumping on furniture, etc.
Sample video:

Oh, did I mention the highlight of the day was that I put PIGTAILS in Ava's hair??

Back to IKEA. The reason we went there was to buy Ava a little kid's table and chairs, because she really loved the ones my mom has at her house, and Ava's birthday is coming up! But sadly after the whole trek through IKEA, they were out of it :( So we'll have to go back I guess... We did end up getting a few other random things there.

On Saturday night we got dinner and then watched the Devil Wears Prada, which I all of a sudden got a hankering to watch. We watched it on a blanket pile, which Ava has been obsessed with lately since we did it the last time. She will pile up blankets and then just giggle and giggle as she jumps on the pile.

On Sunday Brent gave a great talk in church, and of course he found a way to use his movie quotes about destiny in it. :) Ava was not happy that she could see him up there and she kept yelling "dada!!" and finally during his talk she bonked her head and had to be taken out. I could still hear his talk in the lobby though and he rocked it! I wish I took a picture of him in his suit...

Those were the highlights of the week- since I'm doing this a day late on Monday it's like my brain forgot most of what we did during the week! Lots of work- oh yeah, we couldn't take Ava to the babysitter because she got a cold, so lots of taking turns watching Ava while the other worked. Luckily we had a great weekend to finish off that week!

Oh, the white chocolate pecan bread I made: yummmm.

Bonus video we took for Laura:

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