Sunday, February 1, 2015

Snuggle Time

This week Ava and I both got colds- thank you nursery! Luckily the weather was rainy on Saturday so I declared it snuggle/cuddle day. We stayed in and played all day, except for venturing out to get pizza. Today Ava and I stayed home from church to not spread the cold to the rest of the nursery. So basically, this is a boring week for the blog! Not very many pictures!

On Monday night we took Brent's friend to a pizza restaurant as a thank you for taking us to the airport at Christmas time. The restaurant is called "Mellow Mushroom" and Ava thought the mushroom guy at the front of the store was Donald Duck. She went running for it but when she got closer, she stopped in her tracks and then turned to me and hunched up her shoulders to say "scared."

She spent most of dinner dancing like a crazy girl by the exit.

We are having nap rebellions at our house. We are weaning Ava from the binky (bitter-sweet) and she thinks that means she doesn't need to sleep anymore (she currently is going on one hour of nap rebellion in her crip as I write this). One day she was jumping in her crib, laughing, and singing "E-i-e-i-ooooo." After about 20 or 30 minutes of that, all of a sudden she fell dead silent. I hurried to her door to make sure she was ok, and she was out like a light. Singing to asleep within 5 seconds, not even kidding. Video from that day:

We were given this little potty and have kept it in her room, but now we want to put it in the bathroom and start having her learn to use it. But she REFUSES for it to be in her bathroom. She has to move it back to her bedroom which is an issue since she randomly gets up and might pee on the carpet!! Here she is sitting on her special chair in her room :)

Today I secretly moved the potty into the bathroom in hopes that she might see it in there for a couple days and then be ok with trying to pee on it in the bathroom. Seriously like 20 seconds after I moved it in there, she comes walking down the hall, passes the bathroom, does a double take and goes into the bathroom saying, "no no no" and she moves it back to its rightful place in her room.

I guess with the beginnings of potty-training, binky-training, and having a cold, you would think this might have been a rough week for Ava. But she still was in a funny mood and kept us laughing the whole week. We sure love our little Ava girl! 

In case you wanted to know, this week she was very into: 1. The Little Mermaid 2. Shrugging her shoulders about 80% of the time she is talking 3. Inviting me to watch her come play with her new little kitchen. If I came into the space uninvited though, she would try to push me out. 4. Saying "miiiiiiine" constantly (we were on a walk and passed a kid's bike in a yard and she yelled out "miiiiiine!") 5. Leaving the house to go anywhere, "I go?"

1 comment:

  1. that's pretty funny she saw the potty and put it right back! ha ha. and oh oh.
