Sunday, February 15, 2015

Happy Valentines Day!

On Thursday our friends from the ward hosted a little party and Ava got to exchange her first Valentines! I took her to the Dollar Store the day before and she picked out Minnie Mouse valentines and candy necklaces to share with her friends. Both of which are her favorite :) Here she is prepping her valentines the night before. And by prepping I mean drooling on the ones we weren't going to use ;)
Here she is at the party:

We had some really beautiful weather this week and Ava got to go to the park a few times! She is so smart and will point in her stroller the direction of each park she wants to go to. Once we went around the block on a walk and were in a different spot, and she still pointed the direction of the park. She has a good sense of direction! We have what we call the "little park" which is just outside of our circle (about 15 second walk) and then the "big park" is about a 4 minute walk, through a walk-way, past our pool. Here is our big park:

Both parks have the shades so that it's bearable in the heat. At the big park Ava is fascinated with this monument thing and loves jumping off of it. Hahaha.
Ava has been really grumpy this week and throwing a lot of tantrums. She still has a cough so I'm not sure if it's because she hasn't felt well, or if it's because she's entering the REAL terrible twos now. Oh boy. But one day when we were home playing together she was being sooo dang cute and funny. She said, "mama?" then took my hand and made me sit down on the couch. So I decided to video since she was being so cute:

In case you can't understand in the video, she says "stuck" (guck) and "there" (dey).She's been saying those words a lot this week. 

She has also been saying "hmmm. hmmm" as she taps her chin and looks at the movies. We think she got it from Brent, haha! She does this about 3 or 4 times per day.
On Saturday, Valnetines, Brent went to the theater in the afternoon to watch some Oscar-nominated shorts, since it's that time of the year. For Valentines dinner I wanted to stay in and make our own dinner. We made chicken pot pie soup and parmesan drop biscuits, which was deeee-licious. Then we went to Target and had fun in the dollar aisle. Then we came home and exchanged love letters. I don't think it's any secret that I am CRAZY about Brent so we'll skip the part of this post where I declare my undying love for him. But seriously he makes me soooooo happy :) 
Then we made a blanket pile and watched some creepy yuck movie that is nominated for the Oscars (sorry Brent, I don't like it!). 

Happy Valentines, we hope you had a good one too! Thank you to both of the grandmas for sending Ava valentines in the mail- she loved both of them and has been carrying them around the house. 

1 comment:

  1. ha ha, the hmmm. that's totally brent. cutest picture.
