Sunday, January 7, 2018

Thanksgiving with the Braithwaites

November 12-December 13
Coming home from church, my sillies:
I curled Ava's hair for church and by evening it had fallen to loose waves. She looked so grown up and pretty.
Coen got a birthday card in the mail from my Grandma so we made this video to tell her thank you:
 Coen loves playing legos and is really good at building things. He also likes to line up the lego cars.
 I had promised Ava that I was going to take her to the park on Tuesday because it was forecast not to rain that day. When Tuesday came I actually had a lot to do for work but I didn't want to break my promise to her. So we went, just her and me, and she rode her bike all over. She told me, "mom, this is the best day ever!" "This is my favorite mommy-daughter date." I was so glad I took her.
On Wednesdays I pick up Coen from Max's house and there's only enough time to have a picnic in our car before Ava has to be back to class. I took this video during one such picnic:
 At library time the librarian announced a special story time they had coming up, "Drag Queen Story time." I thought I heard wrong and did a double take at the sign she was holding. You know you live in Eugene when...
 I met up with some moms in the ward at a pizza restaurant by our ouse that has a play place. The kids loved it.
 I went to Super Saturday and made a Christmas wreath for my front door and these cute cards. They provided babysitting which was nice because Brent was doing homework.
One day I had a CPE meeting for a few hours when I didn't have a babysitter, so I set up a tablecloth and picnic lunch for the kids. It was a stressful day because I don't like multi-tasking like this, but we got through!
A video showing some of Coen's new words:

We took the kids to get their flu shots and Ava had a melt-down right there at the doctor's office. It's a good thing Brent was there because he had to hold her down for the nurse. As a reward for getting their flu shots, I took the kids to McDonalds for an ice-cream cone.
The kids were so cute on the play ground. Coen couldn't reach to get up the steps, so Ava would climb up one level and then Coen would hold up his hands so Ava could drag him up to that level, and then they would repeat.
 We stopped by the field by our house so the kids could look at the miniature horses and llamas that we pass every day.
Ava found a ladybug and immediately decided to keep it as a pet and name it Elsa. She carried it so carefully to the car and rode home with it and as soon as we came in the door she lost it somewhere in our carpet, haha. 
 I picked up Ava the day before Thanksgiving with her Indian feathers hat on. I don't know if you can see in this picture, but she has a huge smile. She loves it when I make it there on time to hear the teacher's summary of the day. It's worth the effort to get there early to see her huge smile.
 My parents drove from Utah and arrived the day before Thanksgiving. This was Ava's excited face waiting for them to come.
 My parents brought with them a lot of presents for Coen's birthday and also Christmas. Coen got this Buzz jacket because he loves Buzz Lightyear right now so much.
 We colored our placemats for Thanksgiving the night before.
 On Thanksgiving we watched the parade and went on a walk around our neighborhood while we waited for the turkey to cook. It was pretty warm here! We had a yummy lunch and it was so fun to be all together.
 We played pictionary and even Coen participated in drawing.
 The day after Thanksgiving we went to see Coco, which we all really loved. The Mexican culture, music, and Spanish in it made us so happy.
 We showed my parents Brent's campus, and then my parents took us out to dinner.
 On Saturday Brent had to do homework so the rest of us just played. Then I took my parents on a drive around here so they could see the pretty views. That evening my parents watched the kids so Brent and I could go on a date. We did not do very well at going on dates this fall so it was a nice treat to have just the two of us. We went to a hole in the wall Mexican place that was really yummy.
 Coen really loves the Green Eggs and Ham book.
 It was fun for us to show my parents our house and our little life we're building here in Oregon. It was a short trip as they left on Sunday morning, but it was such a nice and needed break.
 Brent and I began watching the show Poldark for my "book" club with my ward. He hates it and I love it. I text my sisters about it a lot and so I sent them this picture one day as a joke.
 We set up our Christmas tree and even though ours is so simple I think it still looks beautiful and makes the room feel magical.

 Coen is just a happy boy who lightens the mood in our home.
 Brent was very busy studying for finals at school which meant Coen had to be a good boy by me while I worked. Here he is doing some play dough next to my desk.
 Coen loves to wear Ava's light-up boots and he stomps around our kitchen.
 Here's Coen at Max's house, hugging Wesley goodbye.
 We had some pretty warm weather and when Coen asked to go to the park, I had to oblige. The thing about two-year olds is they can turn from happy....
... to sad in one second. He ran away from me pouting because I didn't understand what song he wanted me to sing to him next. This picture I took of him pouting actually turned out cool!
 I took the kids to an Activity Days recognition night and they got to build temples out of marshmallows.
 Just for diary's-sake, here's what happens to my tummy when I eat something with a little cream cheese (or dairy). Nope, despite what you might think, I am not 5 months pregnant.
 I took the kids to the library on a Saturday morning and it ended up being a Spanish story time and we were the only ones there! Ava did not want to speak or learn any of the Spanish words. But then later in the day she kept asking me how to say words in Spanish.
 We went to an LDS church across town that does a nativity exhibit. They have over a thousand that people loan from all over the world. It was really pretty to walk through and enjoy with the live music and live nativity.
 We then got to dress up and take some pictures too.

 We ran into our friends the Wilsons there so we got a group picture too.
 Random morning in bed. Ava looked like a fly.
 Our living room at Christmas time.
 Ava got in trouble at school because she disobeyed the teacher and ate ice off the ground when she was told not to. She wouldn't say sorry so she lost privileges and it escalated to be a big deal. Ava came home and sobbed. She's such a little firecracker and I'm still learning how to teach her and be her mom.
For a "Light the World" day on honoring your mother and father, my siblings and I each made a video to send to our parents telling them why we love them. Here's a bit from ours:

The Cub Scouts pack meeting was a Christmas party and we got to go with Brent. Santa came and the kids got little presents.

 For the prayer Santa took off his hat and Ava whispered to me, "He's not the real Santa! He doesn't have hair!!"
 Ava made this little peanut nativity at preschool which I thought was so cute.
 Brent's birthday fell during finals week as always. The kids helped me get ready by making him his favorite treat, scotcheroos, and making him cards. I picked up his favorite dinner, pizza, and he came home in time to have a little celebration.
 We face timed with his parents as he blew out his candle and opened up his presents.
 I wrote a whole other post about Brent for his birthday so I'll hold on the mush and you can look forward to that post later :)
 Morning hugs before Brent goes to school.
Library time one week ended up being a mini performance of the Nutcracker! The kids held still and watched the whole 30 minute performance. They both love to dance so they were mesmerized.
Every day we go to the mailbox Ava is sad because none of the mail is for her. I tell her, "Ava, all I get is things where people ask me to pay them money!" Still, she is always so sad, so I asked Cher to send her family's Christmas card addressed to Ava. Ava was so excited when she saw the envelope in our mailbox. She said, "it's my lucky day!"
 Mirror selfie.
 Ava requested a play date with one of the boys that she goes to church and preschool with. They  played make believe for hours and Ava had such a great time.
 Our ward Christmas party was so much fun. Santa was there, but the kids would only get close enough to him to take his candy canes. The food was really yummy and we had great company.
 We invited Ava's primary teachers over to dinner to say thank you at the end of the year. Ava had fun playing a matching game with them.
Family night is not always picture-perfect at our house. Here's Ava's crying face while eating our treat.
 I went to a few Christmas parties for women- this one was for our ward book club. It's really fun to get together with some of the ladies in the ward.
 Since we were flying to Utah on the day of Ava's program, we asked her teachers if we could come watch the practice. Ava was so happy to see us there. Here she is waving at us.
Here's my favorite one her class did- a poem about a chubby little bunny that eat's a snowman's nose.


  1. Ava is cracking me up in this post...Elsa the lady bug, when she looks like a fly, crying with her treat, and how happy she is when you go to her school stuff. I love her. Plus that llama shirt...rock on.
    And Coen's such a cutie bug as always.
    I look forward to the birthday post. :)

  2. It's so fun seeing all the pictures of your cute family and having memories of our Thanksgiving together.
