Sunday, January 7, 2018

Coen's 2nd birthday

Coen's birthday fell on a Saturday which as really lucky because then we could spend lots of time together as a family! I think this was the one and only Saturday when Brent didn't do homework. We went to a park that's right by the river. And the sun came out!
 I think going to the park is the best present we could give a 2 year old!
 As we were leaving I saw this bus, and on the top right of the bus in those cages, there was a live chicken! Oh Eugene.
 We invited a few families over to sing and have cupcakes.
 Coen got too nervous to blow out the candle with everyone watching him. Here's a video:

Coen loved opening all his presents and got so many fun toys.
 I sure love my Coen. He is such a snuggle boy.
 I got him a Spiderman dress-up so he doesn't have to keep wearing Ava's princess ones but he still prefers those.
We ended up going to KFC for dinner. We don't have a ton of options around us! But Coen liked it and it was a good time. 
 Brent took a few pictures of Coen a week after his birthday because he was looking so cute before church.
Coen has such a sweet and calming personality. He is very obedient and will say sorry with his sign language right away. He is very affectionate and gives the sweetest hugs by laying his head on your shoulder. He gives hugs and kisses all day long. 
Coen likes things to be clean and orderly. He cleans up after himself when he plays with his toys and makes sure the lid is on the bin tight by sitting on it. If someone puts the wrong kind of toy in the bin, it upsets him and he has to take it out and put it in the right bin. Coen even cleans up after Ava and sometimes makes her mad when he starts cleaning up and she's not done playing. 

 At two years old, Coen has a pretty large vocabulary and talks in about three word sentences. He loves to talk about "Max house" which is where he goes on Wednesday mornings. Whenever we explain something to Coen, he says "ohhhh." If we ask him to do something he obediently says, "kay." Coen can just about say prayers all by himself and likes to name all family members in his prayers. He calls Ava, "Ah-dya." Coen loves Ava and copies everything she does and says. He loves to play with her and they fight the whole time they play, but they still want to be together.
There is so much personality packed in his tiny little body. I could go on about how he loves to dance, loves singing and doing the actions to "Popcorn," loves to color and holds his pencil the correct way. He likes to fall asleep listening to music, and still loves his red blankie. He is a really good eater and switches eating yogurt and cereal for breakfast. His favorite toys right now are his legos and he is obsessed with babies. We sure love Coen and feel so lucky he came to our family. He brings us so much joy!

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