Sunday, January 17, 2016

Survival Mode: Month 1

Adjusting to two kids has given us a run for our money! Mostly because of the lack of sleep (Ava still wakes up in the night, so between two kids we hardly get any sleep) and also because Ava has been having a hard time adjusting and has been throwing more mega tantrums. Coen has been a really good baby and has a sweet personality. I know I'm going to miss the days when he was so tiny so I've tried to take a lot of pictures and enjoy the sweet moments in between the moments of crazy. Luckily we had lots of help the first month with my mom coming for 2 weeks, and then Brent's mom coming for 10 days. We couldn't have done it without them! 

Cutest sleep smile

Ava got to go play at Lilian's house one day, which was much needed!

Ava doing some crafts I had bought her in preparation of these weeks.
We watched Home Alone and Ava thought it was SO FUNNY.

Organizing clothes and Ava got in the box, haha!
Cutie pie!
Tammy and Ava making rice krispie treats
Ava was obsessed with this duster for a couple days
After Ava watched Hercules she did this to her shirt, I assume to be like the muses. uh oh.
Seriously, the grandmas saved my sanity in those first difficult emotional weeks!

She can never take her hands off him.

Ava, especially wanting Daddy's attention during this time.
I got out one day for play group at the park. It was nice and Ava loved it!
I had to document a moment when the Ava we know and love was coming back. Yay for good days with no tantrums!
I worked for an hour or so one day when Brent was gone and Ava had free reign of the living room. This happened:
A Friday night- we slept on the couch and were super boring.
Posing boy
Strong neck!
Learning how to use my Mobe wrap
Brent's birthday- we waited to celebrate in Utah the next week. My sweet friend brought us dinner that night.

A few pictures to remember how tiny he was.
Ava making me laugh so hard in this leotard that did not cover her appropriately in the front. Just look at her attitude in this shot!
Coen started smiling right when he was 4 weeks old, before we went to the airport for Utah!


  1. Those pictures are SO cute!! Adjusting is so hard for everyone. Especially when you're SO tired, emotional, trying to feel better, trying to figure out how to take care of so many needs. One day at a time, you can do it- You're amazing. Keep pushing through!

  2. get that girl in dance! and tumbling! and acting! :)
    you're doing great. helping husbands are the best!
