Sunday, November 29, 2015

Bringing Coen Home

We are in the midst of survival mode with a new baby and an adjusting tantruming 2-year old, so this post is mostly pictures, which will tell the story of Coen's first two weeks at home.

Monday: my last day alone with Ava. She looked adorable. I bought her a special Minnie camera and we played at the park. I wanted to spoil her and soak it all in. Just me and my Ava girl. 

Tuesday we picked up my mom at the airport and went to the park downtown and then to the Museum of Art.

 Loving attention from Grandma.

See the last post for Coen's birth story. Here are pictures from the hospital- we stayed Wednesday through Saturday:

 I loved my nurses and being pampered. It was such a wonderful hospital stay!
Turn your head and you'll see a cute video :)

Thinker video
Ava was so excited to come see Coen the second time. I heard her little feet running down the hall toward my hospital room and she was yelling "my baby brother!"

Our first family picture!

 My little pensive baby.

 In his outfit to go home:

His tiny skinny leg!

This dress-up wasn't a Disney outfit, so we decided that she was "Princess Ava" in this dress. She was so cute and bashful as I pretended to introduce Princess Ava at a ball. 
 Holding onto a flower (can you see it?) that she picked before nap-time.
 Super dad. This has been stressful for Brent as he has been trying to keep up with school work, church assignments, and taking care of all of us. He has been amazing.

 Playing peek-a-boo with Coen:

Dad meeting Coen:

Outing to the Cowboy stadium (I stayed home with Coen):

 Downtown Fort Worth

An outing to institute with Brent:

We made binoculars for Ava and she took them out exploring :)
 Marv and Terri stopped by and it was so fun to see them! We went out to dinner.

1 comment:

  1. yes! sleeping baby faces!
    cute ava using her camera at the park!
    baby coen is soooo cute!!!!
