Sunday, January 31, 2016

Coen's Baby Blessing

Dear Coen,
On Sunday, December 27, 2015 you were blessed by your dad in your grandparent's home. We decided kind of last minute to do it at the house instead of in a ward, and we decided for it to be a pretty low key deal. Kind of like how you are just a low key little dude!

Grandma Jo bought you this beautiful white tux for your blessing day. You were so tiny and petite that we were worried it was going to drown you! It was pretty big on you, but it worked and you looked adorable.

 I got you ready and you were so calm as I dressed you. After a bit Ava came in, and she is not so calm :)

I just think you are the cutest little boy I've ever laid eyes on.
Here is my cousin Lindsey holding you before the blessing. You weighed about 10 lbs and you were about 6 weeks old. I asked her to take notes so that we could remember what dad blessed you with.

 We had lots of family members gathered around for your blessing- lots of people who already love you. Dad started out the blessing saying what a great spirit you've brought into our home. I won't detail out your whole blessing here, but what I felt the most from your blessing was what a good boy you are. As dad talked about the life ahead of you and the good influence you will have on people around you, I caught a glimpse of what a valiant spirit you are.

Before you or Ava were born, dad and I were discussing what it would be like to have all girls or all boys. I told dad that I would rather never get a boy than never get a girl. Since you came along, I think about that often, and oh how my heart did not know what a little boy was going to do to it! There is something so special about a mother and son bond. 

Since day one, you have been a mama's boy. You smile at me all day long. If I can catch your eye, or if you can catch mine, you will give me a great big smile, always. When I was pregnant with you I could feel that you were a calm boy. You are so easy going and you have such a calming presence in our home. If I am stressed out or having a hard moment, I look at you and your contentedness makes me feel better. I know that I am so blessed to be your mom. I think the phrases you hear the most from dad and me are "you are soooooo cute!" and "you are such a good baby!"

Here is our family of four. You fit right in and are so adored by all of us. 

I love you my angel baby.

1 comment:

  1. awww, so tender. he is such a sweetheart baby boy. love him.
