Sunday, November 8, 2015

Our last week as 3

This was our last week as a family of 3! It makes me feel weird and a little nostalgic but I'm thinking that baby boy is going to be such a nice calming addition to our family and that we need him!

Ava has had another rough week with tantrums. Things that used to not be a big deal like buckling up in the car, sitting in her booster chair for dinner, putting on shoes, etc, are major triggers for tantrums. I'm hoping it will blow over soon and we can't wait to have our happy Ava back. She does have good moments throughout each day, so we're trying to focus on those.

For example, I got these cute pictures last Sunday right before a crazy melt down:

Ava was so proud of this picture she colored in nursery. Right after church she held it up for me to see and said, "gook (look) mommy!" I said, wow, you colored it ALL! And she had the proudest little beam on her face that made me laugh so much.

After nursery we hang her picture up on the fridge (and then I have been using it as our theme for family night the next night, works like a charm!) Here she thought it was so funny that if she took the magnet off the fridge her picture would fall off.

Since Lilian's mom, who usually watches Ava, just had a baby and can't watch her, we sent Ava to this little Christian preschool where my friend works. It's like daycare/preschool. Ava was so so so excited to go play with friends. I packed her a little lunch and sent her off with her backpack. She's growing up so fast!

She stayed there for like 8 1/2 hours so I was a little worried how she'd hold up since it was her first time there. They sing, do all sorts of activities, have outside time, quiet time, etc. When I got there at 5:30pm to pick Ava up she was playing with two kids and she looked up and saw me and ran to me and gave me the biggest hug. Just kidding. She totally looked up and said, "Nooooooo!!!!" Well... I'm glad she had fun! The teacher said she was a "delight."I had to coax Ava out of the place because my little social butterfly was not ready to come home yet.
 The backpack is as big as she is.
We have been reading a lot of books each day and Ava loves to snuggle. Also my belly is getting to be an even better arm rest.

On Thursday, Ava got to go to the library with her friend Lilian. Ava was SO EXCITED. Lilian's mom just had a baby this week so she needed a little extra help. Brent took them while I worked and he got some cute pictures of the little best friends.

On Thursday it was my last day of work before maternity leave. Hallelujah! I was starting to get really worn out. Just as I was finishing for the day our tornado siren started going off! I asked Brent if we should go to the bathroom like we are supposed to, as we hear. He said, "nah, not till the house starts shaking." I looked out the window to make sure the sky didn't start turning green. The storm had crazy black clouds and was moving so fast! But from what I could read online, the tornado was north of us.

 It was actually beautiful, I thought.
We were very glad I wasn't in labor and we weren't trying to get to a hospital.

On Friday we went to the hospital where I will be having the baby and we pre-registered and got a little tour. It looks like it will be good! We are crossing our fingers for a better experience than at IMC.

After that we went to my doctor appointment and she did one last ultrasound. The baby got the hiccups before she came in the room, so he still had them during the ultrasound! The machine estimated that he weighed 7 lb 3 oz, so the doctor guesses he will be a little over 7 1/2 lbs when he's born. I guess 7 lb 8 oz and Brent guesses 7 lb 7 oz.

That evening we watched "It Happened One Night" because it is a Best Picture Winner and a romantic comedy... how had I never seen it?

On Saturday we went to library time and then did errands and chores and preparations for next week. Ava had some more melt downs throughout the day but also had fun at the park while daddy did homework. Oh, and I had contractions that hurt but weren't going anywhere.

Next time I blog we should have pictures of our sweet baby boy! No, we do not know what we're going to name him! We will be just as surprised as you all :)

1 comment:

  1. i have never heard of that movie either! it's black and white? i think i found it in amazon prime!
    can't wait to see pics of baby boy!!!!
    and i like the idea of using nursery for fhe the next day, i've only done that like once ever! smart!
