Saturday, July 7, 2018

Our 8th Anniversary

What it's like to live with a 2 year old:
 Ava and Coen each got a little bean seed to plant at a special library time. The kids were excited to take care of their plant and see it sprout so quickly. Every day when we would water them, I would remind them not to touch the plants since they're so fragile. One day when they were about two inches tall, I noticed Coen's plant looked odd. Looking at it closer, I could tell it had been plucked. Ava did it! I was so mad and told her that she had to give her plant to Coen.
Almost every day when Ava's carpool would arrive for afternoon preschool, Coen would want to ring the doorbell and "surprise me." He also would pretend he was going to school as I would put a pretend backpack on him and he would walk next door and then back and give me a hug.
 The sun started coming out a lot in May and we had to always go out and enjoy it. Ava cracked me up this afternoon:
 Making a fort with Max:
 Giggles at bath time:
 We went to our ward auction to help support the young women for their camp and came home with way too many desserts:
 Ava loves this unicorn sleeping mask and she looked so funny sound asleep in it:
 My Coen boy loves to paint:

 It was beach day at Ava's preschool and she was SO excited. She had her swimming suit out waiting for about a week before.
 We got out the water beads and they entertained the kids forever.
 Coen's half birthday, we celebrated by getting him Donald Duck orange juice and we had sherbet and sprite. He's now proud to say he's "two half."
 Coen loves the squirt bottle so much. I sent him outside to water the grass instead of our bathroom!
 We went for a Saturday adventure, driving around the outskirts of Eugene.
 It was so beautiful and green!! We came to this vineyard in a valley that was just so pretty.

Mother's Day- I got breakfast in bed! I also got nail polish, a spirograph set, and flowers for our yard. Good job Brent. 
I feel like one lucky mom!
These two little cuties make my world go 'round.

 We went to a rhododendron park with the Wilsons because they were in bloom. Pay off for all the rainy days we had in Oregon!
 These four are the cutest friends:
 I had to include this one because Max's face was making us laugh!

 Ava and I got matching shirts at Old Navy and she proudly told her teachers at school that we matched.
 We went to a birthday party for our friend at the park:
 Brent took Coen to the public works day but Coen was not thrilled about any of it apparently.
 I attended an online conference for auditing 401k plans and worked a lot extra this week. It was so crazy and I literally had no spare time at all the whole week. This means that Coen had to get snuggles while I worked. 
 I went to a surprise baby shower for my friend Diana at a restaurant,
while Brent took Ava and Coen to a birthday party at a trampoline park.
Here's a little video:
 The kids loved it! Nice daddy award goes to Brent for taking them because I was nervous about them even going since I thought they could get hurt. They had so much fun though.
On the 20th it was our 8th anniversary! We decided to go back to the reservoir where we went last year, but this time Coen would not break his arm! We gave the kids iPads so we could have a nice romantic drive listening to "our songs." We were almost there when Coen got carsick and threw up. 
We didn't have a change of clothes for him so he ran around wearing only Ava's jacket:
It was a beautiful sunset.
 These two are such little peas in a pod, so much alike.

Ava took our picture - here we are, married 8 years! He makes me so happy. 

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