Sunday, July 15, 2018

Cher comes to town!

The week before Cher came into town I worked a ton. When I work anything over 25 hours a week, it seems things start to get chaotic. The kids are a little less supervised and I find scenes like this:
 And their room starts to look like this: (see if you can spot both kids in the picture)
Coen got dressed in his Donald Duck costume again, killing us with his cuteness:

Ava is getting really good at riding Coen's bike. She can balance for so long! Here's a video:
 Coen needed extra snuggles since I work so much:
 Our friends the Wilsons picked up this playhouse on the side of the road for us because they knew I was looking for some fun things for our yard. What good friends! They even had a friend deliver it to us and the kids were so excited to play in it!

Coen gets in such silly moods and gets the giggles. Here's a little video of him cracking himself up at dinner.

Cher came into town Memorial Day weekend, on a late Thursday night. On Friday morning we went to a local farm. Coen said hi to the goats, and Cher and I were thoroughly entertained by the goats trying to get their heads in and out of the tight fence.
Beautiful produce at the farm:
 Next we went to the Owen rose garden. There were SO many varieties of roses, I didn't even know that many existed!

 Ava was excited to have some attention from Cher and they played in Ava's new playhouse.
 That evening we met Brent and walked around the University of Oregon. We walked a LOT! We saw Hayward Field and there was a track and field event going on. Then we went to get Mexican food.

 On Saturday morning we went to the Saturday market, which Eugene is famous for and I had never been to. I got this beautiful bouquet and the kids chose fresh strawberries. We left Brent home doing lots of homework.
 Later, all of us went to the arboretum, which is a beautiful nature area. It was the perfect time of year, so green!

 Cher took a few pictures of our family.

 The trail we went on was along the river. There was a spot where the river slows and you can wade in it. Of course Ava had to get right in!

After the arboretum we drove to Cottage Grove which is a little town 30 mins south of Eugene. We had been there the year before and found the yummiest BBQ! We had a yummy dinner and a beautiful drive home. Then we watched a chick flick (Far From the Madding Crowd) and it was just so fun to have some girl time.
On Sunday we drove to show Cher the vineyards we had recently discovered,  then we went to church and hung out.
 Look how cute, Ava was just loving her time with Cher.
 On Monday morning Cher went home and I worked on stuff for my Primary calling on the holiday. Ava's last day of preschool was May 30. I never thought I would be the type of mom, but I did shed a tear when I saw her last day of school labeled in my planner a few days prior.
 Ava's preschool program was the next day and she performed lots of songs since she has both morning and afternoon class.
Here's a little video. Notice her hips, that's my favorite part.

Here's her morning teachers: Mrs. Tigue and Mrs. Lohr:

Here's her afternoon teachers: Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Hubble:
 We got home and there was a beautiful double rainbow! Way to end our school year!

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