Thursday, October 5, 2017

St. George & more

Brent and his mom took the kids to the float preview while I was working one day and I got this funny picture from it: 
 Daddy-daughter date to I-hop. Ava loves her special dates.

Lunch downtown with Grandpa at his office!
 Mirror-selfie pic in our PJs.
 The Braithwaite family vacation was to my grandma's condos in St. George. We drove down a day before everyone else and went out to Mexican food when we got there.
 Coen loved the bunnies that run around the grass by the condos. He kept making his bunny face, seen below.
 St. George is one of my most favorite places ever!
 We went swimming a lot!

We asked Lucy to recreate her dancing to "Single Ladies" from when she was young. Ava joined in and they made us laugh.

 My mom bought these Mickey Mouse bath toys to bring to the pool. Coen is so crazy about Mickey Mouse/Donald Duck right now, he hardly would let these out of his hands!
 We went to a pretty authentic Mexican restaurant for dinner. The kids held hands, I think just to see my reaction of dying from the cuteness.
 Brent and I went to see the Newsies at Tuachan. The music and dancing were so good in it.
 Cher and I went to a new park down the street from the condos that has a cute train that goes all around the park. Coen really liked it!

 The park had a splash pad, which we were glad about to get some relief from the heat.
On Sunday evening we went to the temple grounds.
 I got us all dressed up for Cher to take some family pictures. It's hard work.
Here are some of my favorites:

 On Monday I took Cher out to lunch since she took our family pictures. We went to this super cute restaurant that made me want to photograph all of our food. (I did).
 Cousin time while others were at Shrek. Cher and I watched La La Land because she hadn't seen it yet. I love that movie more each time I watch it!
 At Shrek... see those looming clouds?
 At the very end it was a down-pour! They got soaked.
Coen didn't go to Shrek... we just took this another day.
It actually got kind of cool (70s) and rainy in St. George! So we went to the outlet mall and found a few awesome buys. Ava did get these heart sunglasses.
 And then she looked like a celebrity and I was her paparazzi.

 Laura came to St. George for a few days and it was so much fun to see her and way too short!
We bought matching shirts and when we were trying them on the worker asked if we're twins :)
 The Finches also came to St. George and we all went for a drive up to Pine Valley.

Coen didn't want to do a tour of the chapel there (which is the oldest continuously used chapel in the church). Instead, Coen wanted to pick dandelions and throw them way up high.
 Popsicle time.

 The kids had their scooters at the condos this year and had fun riding along the sidewalks. The sunsets were gorgeous.
 Brent left a couple days before I did (I drove home with my parents) and I was such a wuss about it. I hate being away from him.

Brent got to see Brother Rojas in Provo before he met us there for a tour of the remodeled MTC.
On our MTC Tour. I thought it was cool to walk through and talk to the missionaries. 
Back at home we had an outdoor movie night- Cool Runnings.

To end, we have a video of Coen doing his dancing. 

1 comment:

  1. those videos made me lol.
    ha ha ha.
    nice recap. it was a fun trip!
    miss you!!
