Friday, September 8, 2017

June in Utah- staying with the Cowleys

After my summer hiatus, the blog is back! Here are some pictures from what we did in June. There are no pictures of me going into the office about once a week and working from home the other two days, or of Brent teaching at SLCC, because that's kind of boring :) We stayed with the Cowleys all of June, and most of July too. It was such a fun and busy summer! 

Packing for four people to be gone two months, and it all has to fit in the car, is hard!
 We drove through Bend, central Oregon, and it was just gorgeous! The kids were really good in the car and we stayed with the DeHarts in Boise.
 We surprised my parents by getting to Utah on Saturday since they weren't expecting us until late Monday night after Coen's doctor appointment to get his cast off. We face timed my parent's from their front yard after a minute they were like, "wait what!?!" and ran outside.

The doctor was able to see us early to take out Coen's pins, and then he just velcroed Coen's cast back together and we could remove it ourselves a week later.

Silly kids in the bath.

 Andrew came into town and we got to see them as they were staying with my parents for a week. Ava had fun playing with cousins!

 Coen liked watching all of the airplanes flying overhead.
 We went to the Gale museum by our house with our cousins.

 Staying at the Cowleys meant we got to see Marcie more!
 We went to a teddybear picnic at the library downtown which was really cute!
 We stayed with my grandparents for a few days and Coen absolutely loved the marble run that my grandpa made when my mom was young. Unfortunately Coen came down with hand foot and mouth during these few days we were staying there, so that was a major bummer!

 Grandpa's birthday party!

 All the grandkids gathered around, listening to a book.
 Chocolate faces
 My grandma got us tickets to see Cars 3. It was fun to go with all of us! Poor Coen wasn't feeling well so Brent spent the time outside the theater, but they gave him a ticket to come back.
 Little sickie.
 Father's Day with some of my favorite men.
 Dress up time. Hahaha.
 Ava, the little leader.
 Coen shakes his finger and says "no no" to Ava.

 Ava took swimming lessons at my mom's neighbor's house. She has regressed from last year :(
A video of Ava pushing Coen in the car- he likes how she does it all crazy.
 Fun times at Grandma's house.
 My new hair cut
Family selfie. Ava is not wearing a shirt. Typical.
 Swimming lessons- Ava was so brave.
 We went to my dad's work party and Ava really enjoyed the face painting.
 Saying bye to Andrew until next year.
 Taylorsville firework show with my aunt and uncle. We go every summer, and now Ava has a little cousin to play with!
 Summer livin'

 Ava got a haircut at Great Clips. When we walked in, she started panicking and throwing a fit because there weren't toys, and she remembered from over a year ago the last place she got her haircut had toys. It got so bad we had to call Brent to come calm her down so she could have her hair cut. Luckily we were the only ones in the salon...

 We went to the planetarium with Cher and had fun. Bonus- it's free!

 After the planetarium I went shopping at City Creek with this little helper.
 Coen is obsessed with Mickey Mouse. Obsessed. He may take after his dad.
 My parents took Ava and Lucy to a wedding reception and then they got to have a sleepover!
 I asked Ava what she wants to say about the sleepover. She says " when I had a sleepover with Lucy, I had a fit because I wanted to have more sleepovers with Lucy. Then I changed my mind. Then I got to play with Coen. At my sleepover we sleeped in the same bed. It was Laura and Jordan's bed. And we had so much fun cuz Lucy is there. We watched Hunchback and we watched fireworks. And we had so much fun."

1 comment:

  1. ha ha, i had a fit cuz i wanted more sleep overs, then i changed my mind. ha ha ha.
    summer is the best!!!
