Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Valentines Day & Love Month

1 pm church can be hard.
Ava decided that she wants her potty training prize to be a "frozen bike." Once she did #2 on the potty she had zero accidents after tgat, day or night! We found her this Disney princess bike, which was close enough to a frozen bike, and she learned how to do the pedals pretty quickly. She still needs help steering though.
Proud girl.
I let Ava work by me for a little bit and got her an old keyboard and mouse.
Coen is a snuggly baby and I love it.
On February 10th Brent and I had a mini date after we put Ava to bed. Why February 10? Because it marked SEVEN years since Brent and I met. We watched a movie that we watched early on when we were dating.
Coen deals with a lot. Ava is constantly touching him, pinching him, squeezing him, putting barbies on him, etc. Usually he looks at her with wide eyes like this. Sometimes he cries. And sometimes he smiles.
Some days when Brent is gone to school it gets a little crazy around here. I feel like I could really use a few more sets of hands.  So I put Coen in the Mobe wrap to help. I love how he smiled in this picture.
One day we went to the park with Coen in the wrap.
She likes to put Mickey up front on her bike.
Here is a video of Coen laughing. Once he started laughing my phone filled up with videos of his cute giggle. I could have added a lot more videos here, but I kept it to just a few :)
One night Brent had Coen kneeling up against his legs and it looked like Coen was saying his prayers in his nightie.
Play group at the park- Ava and her two blonde friends.
All of a sudden my friend said to me, I think Ava took off her pants! I looked way over across the park and Ava had stripped down! I went over there and I tried so hard not to laugh but couldn't help it. She told me "it's not funny!" and turned around, which is when I snapped this picture. Hahaha. I found out she had taken off her pants because she had to pee. At least she didn't go in her pants! I text this picture to Brent and he about died laughing.
Ava was super mischievous at the park this day, just look at her face here!
Ava was excited to paint her daddy a Valentine.
 Our Saturday library time was a Valentines Dance! Coen just watched the whole thing with wide eyes the whole time. Ava loved it. Here's a video:
At the library they sometimes have people bring in dogs so that kids can practice reading aloud to the dogs and feel comfortable because dogs don't judge. Ava didn't read (obviously) but enjoyed listening to the girl read a Frozen book.
We went to Chick-fil-a and Coen was happy as a clam there.
Afterwards, we went to the mall to go to the Disney Store. Ava asks to go to Disney World all the time and this is as close as we can get! She loves looking at all the things in the store. Before the Disney store she pretended to take a ride in this ice cream truck.
I just thought they looked cute.
On Valentines Day I had to speak in church. It was on the Sabbath and went pretty well. They also called me to be the Laurels advisor that day. Coen looked adorable in his bowtie.
And Ava was pretty in pink!
At the park one afternoon Ava looked so beautiful. Look at those blue, blue eyes, and gorgeous red lips! 
We had such a beautiful sunset one night! I don't usually notice our sunsets here- they never seem too amazing. But for some reason this night was spectacular.

Here's a video of Coen laughing at Brent:
Coen watching Ava having a bath, he was so entertained!
My baby is getting rolls!
Just giggling
Ava and Coen were so lucky to get Valentines from both grandmas- thanks for remembering us!
I bought myself tulips- one of my favorite flowers.
Ava is loving her little "spot" in the living room behind the couch. I think I would have loved it when I was younger too. She can cook in her little kitchen while I cook in mine. Here she set up a bed with pillows and blankets for her baby.
Keeping it real- here are piles of laundry I had to fold one day, and more was in the dryer.
 One day while I was working I decided to give Coen some tummy time because it had been quite a while. I laid him down and he started rocking. I took a video:
And then right after this video, he rolled. I put him back on his tummy and he did it a few more times.   He was 3 months, I think the same as Ava.

I'm pretty sure Coen is going to have a good sense of humor ;) I am totally loving this age. I love having a baby and just picking him up and kissing his face off! He brings so much joy to me.
 On Saturday Ava made Coen laugh for the very first time. Ava was being a stinker and I was frustrated, and then we had a really sweet moment like this! My heart melted a little bit.
We went to steak n shake and had to document Coen's first time there. And also he got called a girl for the first time because he was wearing a salmon colored shirt.

When they brought Brent his shake Ava asked him, "I sit in your lap?" Then she just sat there with her mouth wide open. Haha.

My mom had a layover at the airport so we went to visit her for the hour. It was so fun and she was surprised at how heavy Coen has gotten! (He weighs 14 lbs, so he has gained 3 1/2 lbs in the month and a half we've been home from Christmas).
Grandma gave Ava her birthday presents, which she loved! She is even wearing the princess jammies she got in this picture.

1 comment:

  1. i love the baby giggles! i would just want to make him giggle all day!
