Sunday, February 21, 2016

Our Funny Ava Girl

In honor of Ava turning THREE years old next week, I have written a post about her and the funny things she says because we don't want to forget them!

Oh Ava. How do I begin to describe the energy, joy, love, frustration, and craziness she brings to our home! As she grows older I feel like she is getting even more social- everything revolves around her friends already. She is extremely loving and forgiving, thank goodness, because we are still trying to figure out how to parent this ball of energy. Ava loves anything Disney, pink, princesses, music, most food, friends, Coen, dancing, and much more. Ava loves hard. She is smart and such a sweetheart. We sure love our Ava girl.

Funny things Ava says on a regular basis:

Mom? Grandma Tam's house burn-fire? (she repeats this whole conversation about how Grandma's house burned, and they're fixing it now)

Ament (Amen)

If anyone sneezes, she says "bless you!" and then asks, "You sick? You need juice, soup?"

To any strangers: Hi. Me Ava

To Ava, everyone is her friend. She says my Jesus-friend, my grandma-friend, my grandpa-friend, etc.

Bobbin Hoot (Robin Hood)

Dog-Ations (Dalmatians)

Mee-ah mee-ah  (if her baby is crying or she's telling a story where she cried, she imitates crying like this)

Huffin (muffin)

Cute little Ava moments:

One day she told me, "Coen is my best friend."

Ava and I shared a tortilla. Ava held out her hand to hold mine and said "best friends forever."

When Ava saw me touch my c-section scar, she said, "Don't touch your big owie!"She was still pretty worried about it a couple months later.

Ava calls her belly button her beep beep. She thinks that women have three "beep beeps." When Ava was watching me pump for the first time, she was staring with wide eyes and said "yoh's beeps beeps moving!"

After Ava got the sacrament one day she yelled out "More church water!"

One time as the boys were passing the sacrament I was trying to keep her attention. I asked Ava, "What do we think of when we get the bread?" expecting her to say Jesus. She answered, "umm... dip dip?" (she dips pieces of bread in yogurt sometimes for breakfast!)

Brent made a loud noise to scare Ava. She told him sternly, "Hey! This broke my ears!"

During family night I asked Ava what her favorite creation was that Heavenly Father made. She answered, "mermaids."

This morning I tried something new with Ava's hair, pulling it straight back. Because of her crazy cowlicks, her bangs ended sticking straight up in the front. During sacrament meeting I took Ava to the bathroom. When she was washing her hands she looked in the mirror and said, "my hair CRAZY!" I laughed and said, it sure is! Then she said "grrrrr, me angry! Angry, Inside Out!" She was totally right, she looked like the guy from Inside Out. I laughed so hard right there in the church bathroom.
Happy 3rd birthday my beautiful, hilarious, fun girl!


  1. Ok she's hilarious! I wish you guys lived closer so our kids could be best friends!!!

  2. my 3 favorites...
    you's beep beeps.
    this broke my ears.
    and dip dip.
    ha ha ha.
