Sunday, October 4, 2015

General Conference & the End of Summer

As soon as we got back to Texas I went to a dietician to learn how to take care of myself with gestational diabetes. Basically I need to eat 6 small meals a day and each meal is assigned a certain number of carbs that I can eat at that meal. I have to eat healthy or else my carbs will be used up in one cookie and I'll still be starving :) I also learned how to use my glucose meter for testing my blood sugar 4 times a day. Since I've been craving sugar so much this pregnancy it's been a little hard, but not too bad since I can still eat almost everything in moderation.

Here are some of my healthy meals since I've been on the diabetes diet:

Here is a random paparazzi picture I took of Ava in nursery just because she looked cute. She lives for the times she can play with her friends and gets SO excited to do anything social.

We went to Chris to his Evangelical church for a musical program. The choir was very good and sang very very old chants and things.
 The organ was up on the balcony behind where we sat.

Here's a funny video of Ava reading a book with me. She loves to read books right now and also loves to rest on my belly.
One of our favorite things to do still is to bring lots of blankets and pillows into the living room to make a blanket pile. Ava gets so excited, she just squeals as we pile up the blankets.

I've been taking a lot of selfies of the belly because I have to tell you, I like being pregnant and I love the baby bump. Look how much I grew in one week! The left is Sept 18 and the right is Sept 24.

Target was having a sale of 40% off Halloween costumes so we let Ava pick out what she wants to be. She was able to choose from quite a few different princesses and she was very adamant that she wanted Aurora. We let her try it on that night and so far since then she's had about 5 tantrums because we won't let her wear her Halloween costume yet. 

On Friday night we went to SouthLake which is a nice part of town to get Brent's new iPhone at the Apple Store. The shopping area is really pretty around there so we also walked around for a bit.

New iPhone= happy daddy
Afterward, we went to Chick-fil-a because I'm loving that place these days. Ava was so funny in the play place because she loved this boy and was making him play with her. He was being a good sport and he totally let Ava boss him around. 
Is this picture a glimpse into Ava's future relationships? Haha.

We tried to take advantage as much as we could before the pool closes for fall. Look at my belly and look how we always had the pool to ourselves!

On Saturday night I went to the broadcast of women's conference at my ward with Rita. Our relief society had a potluck dinner before and it was fun to be with the sisters! No picture with Rita, just me when I got home because I did my hair that day :)
On Sunday evening we went on a walk to watch the lunar eclipse. Brent was so hot that he wanted to dip his toes in the pool to get cooled off. He still has a dream of swimming on Sunday even though I tell him no :) We brought popsicles and enjoyed the eclipse.
Brent has been taking Ava to library time since I work on Thursdays now. This week was the fire station day! It's next door and the firemen teach the kids about what they do and let them look in the trucks.

This week we went to Chris' house to celebrate CJ's birthday. I wish you could see their dogs in real life. They are soooooo big. But they are so gentle. The gray one weighs 180 pounds.

We were driving around the corner so Ava got to sit on daddy's lap and she thought it was super exciting.
On Friday evening we went to Denton Square to walk around for my exercise since I'm supposed to get 30 minutes a day. Afterwards we went to Mr. Frosty's for some french fries and a shake (I had one sip, don't worry!)
On Saturday we watched conference in our house. Brent hooked up our computer to the TV so it was perfect! Rita watched 3 of the 4 sessions with us and thoroughly enjoyed it all. I loved all the talks and feel so boosted now! The one that really hit me the most was Elder Holland's talk on mothers. It was so perfectly put into words how it feels to love as a mother. Right before his talk started I was laying Ava down for a nap looking at her perfect little face thinking, "how is it possible that I can love another person THIS much?" Then I came back to the living room and Elder Holland gave his beautiful talk.

On Saturday evening we all went out to Mexican food and then came back and I listened in on Brent's priesthood session since you can do that now :)

Ava feeling the music from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. She was dancing so cute :)
 I bought Ava some beads and string because she loves necklaces. On Saturday she couldn't manage to string the beads since they are pretty small holes in the beads. She handed them to me and said, "I watch you." Then that evening I saw her sitting on the floor concentrating hard, and she had threaded the whole necklace. On Sunday she wanted to practice her new skill over and over again. It was perfect for keeping her entertained during conference.

We were excited to get three new apostles this conference! Brent and I were talking about how they all seem so different from each other, which will be perfect because you need some of each personality in the Quorum.

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