Sunday, October 11, 2015

Baby #2

When I was about 10 years old my parents were talking about how a couple they knew had gotten pregnant "on accident." I piped in with, "I know how you get pregnant. And that doesn't happen on accident!" 

I think I jinxed myself. 

Enter pregnancy #2. This baby is our little 5-months-sooner-than-anticipated "accident." 

Around the middle of March things started to get a little suspicious, and so after a few days I told Brent I should probably take a pregnancy test to rule that out. It would be a waste of money, he said. But before church one morning I went into the bathroom to take a test. (Perfect timing planned by me so that if it was positive Brent couldn't kill me because we would be at church in a few minutes, after all). Ava followed me into the bathroom watching my every move. Brent stayed in bed, completely sure that nothing would happen. I gave him second by second updates from the bathroom. 

Jen: there's only one line- it's negative
Brent: yep, I told you
Jen: whoa whoa! I think a second line is showing up
Brent: yeah right
Jen: no I'm serious!
Brent: not possible

Finally I ran to show Brent. He took a look at the test and said, "the test is probably old and not working." 

Hahahaha. Oh boy. At least it was time to go to church. 

Now for some FAQ. 
When is your due date? November 18.

How have you been feeling? The last month of busy season (until April 15) was pretty miserable as I felt queasy and nothing at all sounded good to eat. After that I have felt great.

What have you craved? Pasta and sweets

Girl or boy? It's a boy! As soon I found out I was pregnant I just felt like it was a sweet, mellow boy. The boy part turned out to be true and we will see if the sweet and mellow part turns out to be true. So far in the womb he moves a lot less than Ava did and feels calmer.

You're so tiny! I have been so much smaller this pregnancy than with Ava (comparing my measurements I took around the circumference of my belly, I'm about one month smaller). I have been carrying this baby inside versus with Ava I was all out front.

Does Ava understand? At first she didn't at all. During just the last few weeks she has started to notice my big tummy and I think it's making more sense now. She saw my tummy recently and said, "baby BIG!" She now kisses my tummy and talks about "baby brother." She does, however, sometimes talk about the baby in her tummy. So her understanding is limited.

Are you scared after your first delivery? After the recommendations of both my first doctor and my new doctor here in Texas, we are going to do a C-section. For some reason I sometimes feel like I need to justify this to people who might think I'm taking the easy way out or not letting my body take the natural way. But considering that I still have issues from when I had Ava and I never fully healed and probably never will without surgery, I don't want to try to send another baby out that way.

What are you going to name him? I hate this question. And it's the most common question :) We have our favorite names and want to look at him before we decide. The reason why I hate it is because people will then ask what names are we thinking of? It's usually too weird to say we don't want to tell you, so we usually give our list of names. :) And then people will ALWAYS give their opinion on which name is best and lots of times try to tell you why you should not choose one of the names. It's weird. Names are hard.

Here's our little gummy bear at our first visit in April. I was so nervous if there was really a baby in there since I hadn't been taking prenatal pills at the time I got pregnant (it doesn't seem logical now, but I was really worried!). It was such a relief to see this tiny gummy bear moving all around and to hear a heart beat.

At the end of June we went to the Fetal Studio at the mall in Utah to see what we were having. Our doctor had given us a guess at 16 weeks before we left for Utah, but we wanted to be sure so we could get prepared with clothes. Brent thought since we were paying so much for the ultrasound we might as well bring people :) We had Brent's mom, sister, brother, and my parents come. At the ultrasound we were told it was a boy! My reaction was, "yep, it is!"

Now for some belly shots!
May 23 (14 weeks)

June 1 (15 weeks)

June 23 (18 weeks)

June 28 (19 weeks)

 July 6 (20 weeks)

July 23 (23 weeks)

 August 1 (24 weeks)

August 13 (26 weeks)

August 24 (27 weeks)
September 8 (29 weeks)
September 18 (31 weeks)
September 24 (32 weeks)

October 11 (34 weeks)

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