Sunday, August 30, 2015

Outdoor Movies, Lagoon, and a Surprise Trip

July 27-August 2
On Monday evening we had the Chinese student farewell. I snapped this cute picture of a host and her little Chinese girl- so sweet! That's what it was about.

I got to see two of my old roommates one morning! It's so weird we are all grown up with kids and real jobs and stuff. Here's a picture of our kids:

My mom's neighbor gave me all of her old boy stuff and clothes. That was so sweet of her! Ava wanted to try on her little brother's shoes.

We had an outdoor movie and watched "Home." Ahhh summer nights and outdoor movies- we love them, and now Ava is loving them too!

Brent's sisters did a Harry Potter party with an outdoor Harry Potter movie for Harry Potter's birthday :) They did such a great job putting on the party!

I went to the bathroom and cracked up when I lifted up the lid:

A huge snake cake:

Helping set up the speakers for the outdoor movie:

Three cousins taking turns sipping the rootbeer:
 (Also you'll notice Ava progressively gets more naked in each picture. We could not keep clothes on this girl this summer!)

August 3- August 9
Before the Brough party we met at Grandma Hansen's and Ava got to play dress ups with her cousin and was in heaven.

At the Brough party with my cousin Lindsey:
My work's summer party was at Lagoon this year. It was so much fun to take Ava! She had never been on any rides or anything like that, but completely loved it! I took way too many pictures, so just scroll on through!

Ava's first ride with a boy. Hehe.

I could not believe she was brave enough to do this ride. It's like a mini rocket. She looks so tiny in there! I made Brent hold her hand because I was worried for her.

A video:
The next night we went with my parents to the Martin Harris Pageant up in Clarkston. First we stopped at Maddox for dinner.

  The play was fun to be outside but some of the performers needed to brush up on their singing skills :) I didn't know too much about Martin Harris so it was good to learn about him.

On Friday Cher and I met downtown with our kids for a little fun at the library, Temple Square, and City Creek. It was fun to be together!

That evening we went to Em's for dinner. We wished we lived closer to Em and Tim! These two are cute little friends, just like their mamas!

This is completely random, but Laura was going through old pictures to use for her wedding video. This one that she found made us laugh so hard. There's Laura, the awkward one that no one wants to sit by ;)

On Saturday evening we were able to go see a preview of Laura's play, Guys & Dolls. Laura is a hot box dancer, and the play was so good! We all really enjoyed it and were super impressed with the whole thing.

August 10- August 16
On Monday I took a break from work and we went to visit Grandpa and see his office. He has a spectacular view!
We ate lunch in the cafeteria downstairs and it's so yummy. We really enjoyed our lunch haha.

Another day we went to the Gale Center with Cher's kids and Grandma.

We got together with some of Brent's siblings for a last hurrah at Cafe Rio. We really miss living within a couple minutes of these guys!
A couple weeks before I decided to surprise Brent and asked his Mom to watch Ava so we could have one last getaway before school started and the baby comes. A little baby moon. I got us a night at the Little America because I've always wanted to stay there. Friday morning I made him a little card with Ava's hand tracing and it said "I know you've had your hands full with me, so pack up your bags, you're getting a break tonight at the Little America!"

I have to say that I completely surprised him! Yes!
Before we went we took Ava to feed ducks by the house. She loved it!

But then she started eating the bread. Ew.

My mom watched Ava until dinner time and then Tammy took over for the rest of the night so that we could go on our date. Thank you grandmas!!!

First  I had to go to work for a meeting, but then we went to the Salt Lake temple on a session. I had never been on a session there (I know, crazy!). It was really great.

We got Chinese carry-out for dinner and ate it in our hotel room. The only little problem I didn't think through is that by Friday night we were completely exhausted so we were pretty boring and Brent had a headache. We did go to the hot tub that night which was fun!

The next morning we felt much better! Here's our room in the background.
We went out to a bakery our friend had told us about and got the most sugary breakfast ever!

 Brent so happy with his chocolate bear!
We went swimming at the hotel and then checked out and went to get Ava. It was a joyful reunion with her :)

That evening we went to the fair in South Jordan. Ava really likes pigs.
 These little pig friends were making me laugh.
 Ava liked the petting zoo, but she did not particularly want to touch the animals. Here she is petting a camel after some coaxing.

On Sunday, our last night in Utah for a while, we went to dinner at the Cowleys. Look at these two cute little cousins eating their popsicles.

As we drove home there was a beautiful sunset and the temple looked gorgeous. Brent and I were talking about how we were a little sad to leave Utah. It's just so beautiful and all of our family and friends are there! Stay tuned for our drive to Texas!

1 comment:

  1. ok, that old picture of laura is so sad. and hilarious.
    fun times!!!! thanks for playing with me.
    you are cute planning a surprise get away.
