Sunday, August 23, 2015

July in Utah

July 6-12
Brent and I went on a double date with Laura and Jordan to Cafe Rio. It was fun and oh so yummy. When we got back to the house we played games, and Ava joined in too.

On Friday night a family that was in our ward invited us to their new house for pizza and a movie. Ava had so much fun joining in with all of their kids.

We had a girls day out to the farmer’s market downtown and had fun shopping around, buying fresh produce and breads. After we went and got free slurpees for 7-11 day.

On Saturday evening we went to Nephi to watch the “Bathing Beauties Parade” which was about 4 minutes long, haha. Ava thought they were real life princesses and she waved right back at them. It was cute. We went and got more slurpees and ate them at a park. (I’ve been craving icees this pregnancy so it was heaven).

We went to see the house where my Nana grew up:

After the 4th of July Ava has been completely obsessed with fireworks. She loves them and asks for them a lot. So we gave her a thrill and did pops out front one night. She had so much fun!

I’ve been having fun with Ava on my days off. She is so spunky and funny!

Brent and Ava went to Silver Lake with his parents, and while they were there they saw some moose up close! We love being in Utah and how beautiful it is here!

On the 14th, chick-fil-a day, Brent and Ava dressed up as cows with the Cowleys (hehe) for lunch. Then later they came and got me from work and we went again for dinner. (And Brent went a couple more times but we won’t talk about that because that’s embarrassing). 

Ava was not excited about dressing up as a cow, haha. But she did love the dressed up cows. When I got in the car after work, I asked Ava if she had a fun day. She said "yeah, cow!"

After our yummy Chick-fil-A dinner, we went to a free concert in the park downtown, which was a barbershop quartet. The weather was beautiful and downtown is just so pretty!

A couple days after chick-fil-a day when Ava was still on a cow kick, we went on a long walk around the neighborhood and Ava asked to bring a little toy cow she had. We passed by some real cows and Ava was excited. She shouted, "Hi cow! Look, a cow!" and showed him her cow. 

JULY 13-19

Ava has spent a lot of time swimming this summer, if not at the rec center, in the mini pool in the backyard. Ava is such a fish! She is pretty independent with her floaties on and does a great job holding her breath when she goes under water (most of the time).

On Thursday we met the Cowley cousins at a splash pad in South Jordan. I love seeing Ava with her cousins! Afterwards we went back to their house and just hung out. It was a relaxing day! I held McKenna as practice for Ava dealing with another baby. She was not so happy about it, but then was a little happier when she could sit in my lap too.

On Friday morning Laura watched Ava for us so we could go to the temple. It was so nice having a temple down the road and available babysitters!

That evening we had more babistters (thanks Tammy) watch Ava for us and we went to the Pioneer Day concert in the conference center. I really loved the guest they had this year- she had such a beautiful voice!

On Saturday we had the Chinese students come! My mom was a director for a foreign exchange program and Brent was her assistant. Marcie taught the English lessons at the church. We didn’t have anyone stay with us, but my mom and Brent did quite a lot of activities with them during the week.

On Saturday night we went to dinner with Emily and Tim. It’s so fun to see them!

On Sunday we had a game night with the Dahns. We have to pack in the family time while we are here in Utah, you know.

JULY 20-26
We had more activities with the Chinese students this week- more like my mom and Brent did while I worked.

One day when they were downtown with the Chinese students, Brent and Ava came to visit me on my lunch break.

We went to see a preview of the floats in the 24th parade and Ava absolutely loved this dragon one:

One activity with the Chinese students was summer activities in a neighbor's backyard. Ava loved this slip n slide more than any of the students.

While there, Ava got her first hair cut!

It was pretty short to get it all evened out. I couldn't look at Ava seriously for a few days.

Brent and I went out to dinner with Marissa and Cameron and Ava got to play with her cousins:

On the 24th of July we had a swim party with the Dahns. 

Ava tried out a diving board for the first time. Except she thought you were supposed to jump on it the whole way which was scaring us!

Action shots:

On the way home we stopped at the "Up house" and saw the new house that Bob did the fence for in the Parade of Homes.

Ava watched Hercules one day and for some reason loved that the horse was wearing a shirt. That afternoon she kept saying to my dad as they were looking at the horses in the backyard, "horse shirt?" He couldn't figure out what in the world she was trying to say. Brent figured it out and it's been giving us a good laugh ever since. Video of "horse shirt:"

My mom and dad took a few of us, including Ava's cousins, to the zoo. It was so much fun and Ava is finally old enough to really enjoy the animals!

She was crazy about the owl during the bird show. The owl even perched right next to her!

This little girl loves just about everything:

Ava loved saying hello to each animal from the train:

On Sunday evening we had Kay and Grandma and the Cowleys over for their traditional popcorn and rootbeer. Afterward we went outside to do some fireworks for Ava and she got to try sparklers, which she loved of course!

This picture is from earlier in the summer, but the whole summer Ava asked to go see Lucy. She really is crazy about her big cousin.

1 comment:

  1. such a fun summer. love ava's zest and energy! she makes me laugh. and she's brave on the diving board!
