Thursday, April 16, 2015

Visit from the Cowleys

I'm behind blogging, but two weeks ago we had Bob, Tammy, and Marcie come visit us! We had so much fun with them and we were so happy to have company!

Marcie flew in first, on Tuesday night, and Brent & Ava went to get her while I worked. They went to Brent's favorite restaurant, Steak n' Shake.
The next day I had to work so the the three of them went to explore Dallas. They first went and found the graves of Bonnie & Clyde, who are from here.

Then they went to the 6th floor museum, which is where JFK was shot from.
The x on the street in the background marks the spot where he was shot :(

Then they picked up Bob and Tammy that evening from the airport.

On Thursday we went to library time, then to Texas Woman's University to see an exhibit on female pilots during WWII. The grounds at the university were so pretty. It's so green this time of year!

After we went to a yummy restaurant we like downtown Denton for briquet burgers. Then it was time to drop off Brent for his class. We got to see Brent's campus, which sadly, isn't as pretty as Texas Woman's University. But still fun to see where Brent goes to class! The rest of us came home and relaxed and watched movies (except for Bob who weeded our yard!)

On Friday we were going to have a babysitter watch Ava while the rest of us went to downtown Fort Worth. That fell through so we rearranged things and Ava got to do a little easter egg hunt with the kids in our ward at the park. Here's a video of her trying to figure out what you do in an egg hunt:

We drove down to Fort Worth and we first went to a money factory- where they print bills! There are only two places in the US where they print bills, Fort Worth & DC. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to bring cell phones or cameras in so I don't have any pictures. But it was a really cool tour and we learned lots of interesting facts about money. We saw sheets and sheets being printed and cut, each stack of sheets of $20s, I think it was, worth about $800k. 

Next we went to downtown Fort Worth to another one of our favorite restaurants for some Texas BBQ. Then we went to a Thomas Kinkade gallery and explored downtown a bit. I think Fort Worth is so pretty! 

Then all of a sudden I remembered that the cattle drive at the stockyards was at 4:00 and not 4:30, so we hurried and got in our cars and rushed over, following the maps in our phones.  We arrived at about 3:58 pm and our phones led us right up to the street where the cattle walk down. We didn't have time to park so we just watched from our cars- all 10 seconds of it! Hahaha, now we have seen the cattle drive! 

I took this on the way home from Fort Worth. We've had so much rain this spring, it's so green here!

On Friday night we went to the Square and we got ice cream at an old fashioned ice cream shop.

On Saturday morning, Marcie had to go home, sadly. The rest of the weekend Ava kept asking for "Issy." We had another egg hunt with our HOA at the park, and this time Ava knew what to do. There were a TON of eggs all in the grass and she had lots of fun.

She did not like the freaky looking Easter Bunny though. Can you blame her? Hahaha.

Brent's parents helped us with all sorts of random projects we've been saving up such as getting Brent's bike ready to ride, changing the lightbulbs in our kitchen, etc. In the afternoon we went to Grapevine and walked around. Then we went to Bass Pro, where Ava got a little shooting lesson from Grandpa ;)

That evening we went to Bren'ts favorite fast-food here, Chicken Express. He was excited to show Bob because he thinks it's better than KFC ;) (I do too!) Then the boys went to Priesthood at our stake center with our friend Chris in his fancy Pontiac. But first Chris gave Ava an Easter basket, which was so nice:

Tammy and I came home with Ava and we watched a funny old movie that cracked me up. Sunday was Easter and we listened to conference and Ava had a THIRD egg hunt in our house. She opened up beautiful dresses from both grandmas and had fun modeling them. She got so spoiled!

We had a delicious turkey diner and it was so nice to have family around for the holiday! That was our fun week. Thanks to Bob, Tammy, and Marcie for coming out here! And for all the work you did on our house and yard. We were lucky to have you!

1 comment:

  1. ha ha. creepy bunny is totally creepy!
    such nice in-laws. all of them.
    and, now i want to know what the old funny movie was!
