Monday, December 18, 2023

October 2023- Our First Laie Halloween

 Coen loves his Baby Yoda! He borrowed Audrey's baby carrier :)

Recovering at home- I spent the first few weeks of October in recovery mode. I was really anemic- so very weak and tired. Our friends and ward brought us dinner for a week and a half, which was so helpful since by the afternoon and evening I really had no energy to stand, let alone cook dinner. I had not yet met many of the people that brought us dinner, and it was so humbling to need help and have other people serve me. I learned a lot about service during this time. Receiving service helped me get to know people in my ward better, and helped us form relationships. People offered to have our kids over to play, and we made friends this way. As people brought me dinners and offered me help, I also thought a lot about our baptism covenant of bearing each other's burdens. Our family's burdens were really made lighter because of others. 

Coen had 2nd grade market- a fundraiser where each student had to come up with something to sell. Coen sold the opportunity to play a card game with him, hehe. His friend sold dum dum suckers. Brent took the other kids to the market while I was home.

General conference was really nice. Perfect timing for me, as I was mainly laying on the couch that weekend. On Sunday, we did get out of the house in between sessions and go to a beach about 15 minutes south of us that we always pass and want to stop at. It's so beautiful! I sat on the beach chair, watching the kids play in the waves.

On Monday I had an audit training online. I thought I would be fine to listen to it all day sitting at my desk, but after a few hours I was too tired to sit and had to finish listening from Audrey's bed.
October was SO hot. We discovered what made it feel even hotter was that the trade winds were gone. Our house was stuffy and humid, and in the high 80s. Our fan that tells the temperature showed our living room was 89, and even in the 90s some days. Ugh! The first couple weeks in October I wasn't well enough to take the kids to the library after school for some air conditioning, so that was hard.
On Wednesday my ministering sister had signed up to bring me dinner, and she offered to come cook food at our house and help me with the kids. This was such a blessing because Wednesday is a day when Brent works really late and the days feel long. As I sat there, she cooked us spaghetti, ate with us, and then did the dishes. Then she helped me help the kids with their homework, and we all played games. She helped us all have a fun evening- what ministering is about! 
Just oh so tired.
Brent was home from school for a bit and fell asleep on Audrey's bed. He stayed up most nights until well after midnight working- typically it was 2am at least. Exhaustion all around!
On some Fridays at Audrey's preschool it's swim day!
A friend from our ward in Eugene was visiting Hawaii and Brent was able to do a session with him at the temple.

I got this picture from a new friend- here are the kids playing playdough in their backyard!

Saturday beach day. 

Ava loves to lay on her tummy like this and have the waves wash over her. But then she gets sand underneath her swimming suit ALL over.
Coen was invited to a friend's birthday party at their farm. When we got to their farm where they grow vanilla and have goats and bunnies, I discovered that they live on their property in a tiny home (see in background). 
The kids had fall break, but Brent didn't, and I still had to work, so we didn't do a whole ton that week. I did take them to the beach, which is in front of our friend's house.

I'm trying to remember exactly what we did during the break while I was working - I think a lot of TV and coloring and legos. Audrey got a strange 24 hour fever sickness- she was lethargic and had a high fever for only a day. Coen got the sickness a couple days later.

Ava's friend came over and they did perler beads.
On Wednesday the 11th, I was feeling good enough that we took a walk to Brent's campus to visit him.
The sunset was so beautiful!

I took Coen for his check up and he had his hearing checked. He had great hearing, but they recommended we see an optometrist for his eyes.
Brent flew to Las Vegas for an academic conference on Thursday morning. I took the kids on a walk around the temple to get out of the house.
Climbing a breadfruit tree:

I ordered Halloween decorations and the kids were so excited to decorate our house! 
The decorations helped our house feel more of a home.
Brent went to UNLV with his department for the Latter-day Saints and Media Symposium.
He stayed at the Virgin resort just off the strip and walked to the strip in the evening. The FormulaOne racing had taken over the strip. The bleachers and everything was crazy, and it was still a month away. A lot of the night shows were canceled because of it. He was still able to see the Bellagio botanical gardens, some of the fountains, and some flamingos. He picked up Walgreens pictures for me there, so that I didn't have to drive an hour in Hawaii to do it. 
Covid was going around the conference, and two of the presenters were ill (said they had tested negative for covid), but several people tested positive for covid after the conference, including Brent's colleagues. Brent luckily didn't get it!

Back at home, on Friday I woke up and felt like I had been hit by a truck. I had gotten the kids' fever sickness, and I felt so sick. Luckily, two different friends had offered to let the kids play that day, so I spent the whole day in bed, looking hot and feverish like this. 
Coen dressed up with the wrapping from a package:
The kids colored lots of pictures and we hung them in our front window for decoration. Audrey is such a good artist!
On Saturday I was feeling better enough that I took the kids to Turtle Bay. I was pretty proud of myself that I was able to do that! The kids played and played in the sand and water.
Sunday I got the kids ready for church on time, and I taught Sunday school to our youth class. I was so excited for Brent to come home that day!
Ava was selected for Super Citizen  which is where a few kids from each class are chosen for their good citizenship, and then the parents come to an assembly to celebrate them. The super citizens need to make a poster about themselves (which is why I had Brent pick up pictures at Walgreens in Las Vegas!). Brent came home just in time to use his organizational skills to make the poster look nice. 
This black cat staring at me while I worked was creeping me out. There are quite a few strays in our neighborhood.
I took my turn to take Ava and her friend to STEM class on Wednesday. I took a picture to celebrate finally feeling better to have energy to do all the mom things like carpool, and take Audrey to a playground while we wait for the girls in class. This is only the second playground she had played on since we have arrived in Hawaii, by the way. They just don't have them too much around here- the beach is their playground instead!
The flags at BYU-H had been gone since August for Maui, and they were finally brought back in October. 

Reminder- we live in Hawaii with other creatures.
Coen was also selected for Super Citizen so we helped him make his poster too.
Luckily our friend had warned us that you should show up with a candy lei for your child for the Super Citizen assembly. I bought candy and looked up how to make them! We decided to make Audrey one too.
Super Citizen assembly- a unique and cultural experience! I liked hearing the kids sing their Laie Elementary song while the teacher played ukulele. 

Friday night the school had a Fall carnival. The 5th grade was in charge of running the jail, where people could use their tickets to put a friend in jail. Ava was a policeman for a shift and had to collect people and take them to jail.
Audrey really loved the "jumpers" as they call them here.
Ava and Coen went to our friend's house to play and decorate cookies while Brent, Audrey, and I went to town to do Costco and errands. The kids were happy to skip a Costco trip! They're already tired of it, but I tell them, we need to eat. 

Audrey had dress up days at preschool, and this was super hero day. We didn't bring most of our costumes, so I told her that she could be "super mommy" and she was very happy with that. 
Coen's box for his Baby Yoda- we had to take a picture before we could throw it away.
I discovered that I feel much better in all the ways (emotionally and physically) if I get out of the house each day. I took the kids to swim at the BYU pool on Monday afternoon.
Pink day at preschool:
Audrey asked me to babysit her baby while she was at school. She told me to give her the bottle and change her diaper. I told her I'd take care of her. I moved the baby doll and the bottle during the day, and when Audrey got home, I proudly told Audrey that I had remembered to give the baby her bottle during the day. Audrey picked up the baby and then said, "Are you kidding me?" I said, "What??" She pointed to the baby's bare bottom and said, "You didn't change her diaper!" 

A few funny things Audrey said that I want to remember:
Audrey had salsa with her food, and I asked her if she's like red sauce (as in tomato sauce), thinking the salsa might be too spicy. Audrey said "Salsa IS red sauce... I know everything Mom."

Audrey is mad at Brent because he married her "one true love." She keeps saying she wants to marry mommy.

When Brent was out of town, Audrey climbed into bed with me in the night. It's too hot to wear pajamas, so I was only in my garments. When we woke up, Audrey whispered to me, "I see your romance."  "My what?" I asked confused. She pointed to my garments and said, "your romance."

While going to the bathroom and looking at the bathroom rug, Audrey said, "I see a wombus." Huh? She pointed to the shapes in the rug and said, "a rhombus, it's like a diamond." Haha ok smarty pants! 

Brent and I went on a walk one morning after taking the kids to school. I don't see Brent too much in the afternoons and evenings, so occasionally we will take an hour in the morning to spend time together. Here's a video from our walk at the beach.

I scheduled an appointment at the temple - initiatories this day. Another thing that I knew would be good for me to start feeling better in all the ways.  After I came out of the temple, it was beautiful sunset time. I sat outside to enjoy a little more peace. I took a selfie, and had a sweet experience. As I looked at the selfie, for just a moment, I saw myself how Heavenly Father sees me. When I saw the picture, the thought came to me, "There is a girl who is trying." In that moment, I saw how much Heavenly Father cares about the direction we are going, and if we're just trying. As a perfectionist and someone who tends to base my worth on things I've accomplished, I realized what He really values and cares about is effort- effort with what we have at that moment. The past month I had been feeling like I was failing- my health, working fewer hours, needing more help to do housework and care for the kids. I felt happy and lighter leaving the temple that night with a new perspective.

Crazy hair day- took it seriously!
Pajama day for the elementary school. I asked Ava when I picked her up, were lots of kids wearing pajamas? She said, "Not really. Lots of kids don't have pajamas." It made me laugh, because it's so hot here- there's not a lot of use for pajamas! 
Audrey wanted to be a blue bubble for Halloween, and I thought that was so funny and cute, so I found some things online to make it happen. She had a blue dress, and a tail made from ribbon and glow sticks. And of course, a balloon for the bubble.
In case you're not aware of what a blue bubble is, it's technically called Portuguese Man o War, and they sting like a jellyfish! They're on the beaches here on the north side of Oahu, and after being stung by one, I think Audrey thought they were about the scariest thing she could think of.

Dressed up for the ward Trunk or Treat! Besides a blue bubble, we have Jack & Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

I was Jenny from Forrest Gump, but Forrest, the other half of my costume, was teaching that night. 
Ava and her primary teacher were matching!
I had to wake up really early one morning for a meeting, and the good thing was that I got to watch a beautiful sunrise. 
Trying out the poi balls in New Zealand at the PCC.
I picked up these flowers on our street on a morning walk and made myself a very tiny bouquet.
Ava was invited to a Halloween party at a friend's house. She was so happy!

We went to a chili cook off party at Brent's department with both students and teachers. Audrey took this picture of Brent and me- it's all we have from that night! 
Beach day! We went first thing on Saturday morning so that we didn't have to wear sunscreen.
I decided on a whim to take Ava to the Taylor Swift concert. I kept hearing how amazing it was and thought Ava and I could have a girls date. Brent and I had been wanting to give Ava "the talk" about both the birds and the bees and also Santa, so I decided to do it all on our way to the theater. We had a 45 minute drive so it was perfect! It actually worked out really great because Ava couldn't escape (haha), and also because I was looking forward at the road, so I didn't have to make her uncomfortable by looking at her. 

The talk went really well and we finished just in time to arrive at the theater. I asked Ava if she was OK, and she said, "I just need to stretch!" Haha.
We had lots of fun singing along to Taylor Swift! She was so charismatic, I understood why her concerts sold out! It was fun to spend time with Ava and give her attention. She does so much better when she isn't fighting with siblings!
Back at home, Brent took Coen and Audrey to his office, which they love. Coen and Audrey wanted to be matching! Blue shirts, blue shorts, and tennis shoes, in case you're having a hard time following how they're matching.

I had bought Coen a suit for his baptism a year ago, so I wanted to try it on and see if it was going to work, even if it's the wrong climate! Coen was not happy about it, but he looked so cute in it!
The kids primary program was cute. Audrey's first program!

All of the kids did a good job in the program. Ava whispered Audrey's part into her ear.
We invited a friend over to dinner- Megan. She was in our ward in Texas and was a young teenager when I was in YW. Now she's a student here.

Ava really wanted to have a Halloween party and watch a Halloween show with her friend. She wanted it to be on the night before Halloween, in their pajamas. I left for a few minutes during the movie and took Audrey to Brent's evening class to bring them brownies. 
On Halloween the kids were excited to get to wear their costumes to school and to have a Halloween parade! They didn't celebrate holidays in their school in Eugene, so this was a first. The kids all bring their chairs outside from their classrooms for any sort of assembly. They created a little runway for the classes to walk down.
I took our car in for an oil change. I had a few minutes before it was time to pick up Audrey from preschool, so I just sat at the beach across from her school. So beautiful.
Brent was Forrest gump for Halloween. As part of his class, the students did a photo scavenger hunt and recreate the last picture in their camera roll. He's recreating a picture of Forrest here. Run Forrest!

Audrey's preschool went all out for Halloween with a bounce house and lots of treats. 
Halloween in Laie was something to remember! It was a PARTY. Thousands of people come to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood because it's so family friendly. They block off the streets so it's walking only, and there were so many people in the streets that you couldn't have driven a car even if you wanted to! Since it's nice weather, everyone sets out a table in their front yard with the treats and sits under a tent. This way it's a much more social evening, with everyone out at the street!
We went to a potluck gathering at Brent's colleague's house on Moana street before the trick-or-treating.
It was plenty hot as we were walking around, but we had so much fun and got to know a lot more people this night!
Brent and the kids got a haul of candy. After we sorted the candy, we had to take it right to Brent's air-conditioned office because it was already all melting. 
And that concludes October! We decided if we are still here next year, someone should come visit us for Halloween, because that was a Laie highlight! 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that would be a fun time for visitors. Love the trick or treating tents on the sidewalk. And your costumes. And the paragraph with the temple pic. Yay for feeling better!
