Sunday, September 11, 2022

July 2022- Partying with Cousins & a Cowley Photo Shoot

We got home from Depoe Bay and had a week to work and pack/prepare the house for leaving to Utah. I only unpacked part way from Depoe Bay, and we tried not to buy a lot of food.  We had a teenager in the ward babysit so Brent and I could work.

The kids played dress up and decided to pose for pictures so that I could "put them on my blog." Audrey is wearing a size 6 month Minnie Mouse costume which made me laugh so much. 

The kids are really into Full House and it is a great bribery tool. Check out Ava's face, how much she eats up this show:

Audrey packed some dress-ups, put on her rain boots, and told me she's ready for Utah!
Our neighbors who were about to move offered their basketball hoop to us. I've been wanting to get one for Coen for so long, and he was so happy! We played basketball the last couple of days before we left for Utah. 
On July 14 we left the house around 11 for our drive to Utah. Coen didn't take his dramamine til right before we left, so he was already carsick when we got to our library. Coen and I hung out in the library for a while til he felt better (and Brent went home to get a computer cord he forgot, phew!) and then we were off. The first couple hours just outside of Eugene are so gorgeous! This is my favorite spot - beautiful lakes! 
After we hit Bend, it gets very ugly and boring. We stopped in Burns so the kids could play at a park for a few minutes. The kids did pretty well in the car- Audrey just had one crying fit. I pack them different activities to do in their backpacks, they eat snacks, we play "guess what Disney character I'm thinking of" and then after a few hours we let them pull out the iPads.
We got to the Turnbulls in Boise around bedtime. The next morning we were up and out of there, because we had to make it to SLC in time for my work party at Cowabunga Bay! We unpacked our stuff at my parent's house and then went right over to Cowabunga Bay, where this year Coen was brave to try the waterslides! A lot of us also got pingpong balls with prizes. It was cute how excited Ava and Coen were for Cowabunga Bay. My work has done this every summer and the kids look forward to it! Ava told me, "Cowabunga Bay is the best day of the year."
The kids got to have a sleepover with Addalyn that night- jumping right into summer fun! 
On Saturday we went with my parents to a Tabernacle Choir concert. Ava has been looking forward to the day that she was old enough to go, and then Covid happened. So finally, she got to go!
I love going to the choir concerts- there is such a special spirit there I think!

Tammy & Bob were nice to watch Audrey and Coen so that Brent and I could both go to the concert. They got pancakes and got to play with Ryan & Ashlie's dogs.
Ava was soooo excited to play with cousins! It made me so happy to see her playing and having a good time. 

We had Natalie babysit our kids three times a week from 9am to 5pm this summer so that I could get all my work done in that time period. Brent worked the full five days a week on his dissertation. The kids went with their cousins to get school lunch which was lots better than Oregon's school lunch.
Natalie planned fun things for the kids. This day they made slime (ooblek).
We had a little Hansen party at the park by my parent's house, and after only an hour or so, a HUGE wind/storm came up and was blowing our plates and food away! The kids ran around in the rain and wind for a bit, but then we all decided to leave early. 
A picture to show how strong the wind was blowing- look at Livy's hair! 
On Tuesday my mom took me and the kids to the zoo. We got to see the lion reallllly close up:
The kids loved the carousel of course!

It was so hot at the zoo that the kids had to come home and squirt each other with squirt bottles.
We went to the float preview and the kids chose their favorite floats to take a picture with.

That evening we went to take family pictures with the Cowleys. The weather was so mild and calm which was lucky, since the day before we had the huge wind storm at the park!

I'm just going to leave a bunch of pictures here from the photo shoot. I am SO grateful for the family I married into. It is so much fun to be a part of this big group, and I have always felt comfortable and completely accepted and loved. I am the luckiest girl to get the in-laws I did.

Later that week Ava and I attended Marcie's baby shower. No one knew if it was a girl or boy.
Tammy went all out with the bee theme- cute!
Brent met his niece Olivia this week- crazy! 
Cute cousins!
Audrey asked me to take her picture.... OK!
Natalie did a little Harry Potter party, which was so fun for Ava!

We went to the annual Dahn swim party:
On our way to St. George we went to Perrin's baptism in Lehi. Audrey was so excited to see her bestie, Matilda. These two are the sweetest friends!

A couple kid funnies:

When driving in the car, Ava and Coen started arguing.
Ava: I didn't say that. 
Coen: Yes you did.
Ava: nuh uh.
Coen: Yes you did. 
Nuh uh... Yes huh!... No I didn't!! Yes you did!
.... Ava: Well, I regret it!

Brent said something that made me and Ava laugh. Then we heard Coen from the other room, "What did you say? Say it again. I want to laugh!" 

Next post will be our trip to St. George!

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