Sunday, August 7, 2022

June 2022- Coos Bay and a Visit from the Yaedes

June flew by so fast! Apparently it flew fast because we did so much- brace yourself for lots of pictures in this post. This year we were in Eugene for all of June. Usually we're in Utah for most of June, so it was nice to enjoy some Oregon summer!

Audrey Potter:

We had the Spanish elders over to practice their Spanish, and right before they were coming, I helped Audrey go potty (she's like 85% potty trained by the way). As I was helping her, I noticed she had a hole in her leggings right on her crotch and I said "oh no! You have a hole here! This is the last time we will wear these pants." A few minutes later, as Brent was introducing all of us to the missionaries, he said "Audrey, can you tell them how old you are?" Audrey spread her legs and said "I have a hole." Hahaha I about died!
Coen was so thrilled about this "pocket pet" he got at kindergarten. His is a tiny little mouse (it's under the green blanket in the picture) and he named it Potato. The class even had a teddy bear picnic with their pocket pets. I love kindergarten.
The kids had a jog-a-thon at school and Brent went to support them, cute daddy!

I took Ava to see her friend Carrie in Shrek Jr. We met up with their 3rd grade teacher and sat by her during the play. It was fun for Ava to see the play, but the singing of the main characters was a little hard on the ears.
Happy girl getting home from school. We had Audrey stay til 3:30 in June since she only went for 2 weeks in June, we used up all our hours in those couple weeks. She was a brave girl and even napped at school a lot of the days! If she didn't fall asleep in quiet time, her teachers would let her get up and do an activity.
We got these dinosaurs from Grandpa Bob and the kids like playing make believe with them.
We spent lots of time at the park, especially in the evenings since it stays light until 9:30! I don't love when they turn this water feature on in the Spring because then the kids get muddy! But they will happily play here for hours.
I had a ministering interview conference at the church and Audrey hung out for quite a while, eating lunch and playing with other kids. It was fun!
Audrey and I walked to meet the kids from school and we ended up playing at the park for a while. Here's happy Ava telling me about her day. I like it when she's in a good mood and talks to me like this:
We got this easel from the Janes because she said this was Audrey's favorite thing to play at her house. The other kids have liked it too!
We went to "Baby Olivia's" birthday party at the church- it was raining so much so they had to move it indoors. It was so fun with the jumping castle!
Mr. Coen drinking a smoothie in the bath tub. Brent makes smoothies a couple times a week.
We hosted a breakfast for the young men and had the sister missionaries come talk to them about serving a mission. Ava was so excited we used her idea for donuts! I made a yummy fruit salad to go with it and scrambled eggs.

I had to go to Coos Bay for an audit and the family came with me! We stayed in the casino hotel and enjoyed the swimming pool. The kids had not swam in so many months and Audrey especially was sooo excited to swim.
The hot tub had a great view of the bay.
We went to dinner at the Coach House, where we had gone the previous year. We sat outside and had barbequed food.

Brent fell in love with the high school that was a huge looming set of buildings on top of the hills. It was totally gothic looking, and gray and purple. 

After dinner we went to the park in town and went on a little hike. These lily pads are cool!
Cool red bridge.
Ava thought this huge leaf was cool!
On our way home we saw a deer and Audrey just had to see Bambi so we stopped to let her out of the car. She and the deer had a face off for a while before it finally got scared and ran away.
So exciting to be sleeping in a hotel! The kids love snuggling in bed and watching TV.
In the morning I walked over to the offices part of the hotel and worked on the audit all day while Brent took the kids around town. I had the most beautiful view of the bay while I worked.
Brent took the kids to Prefontaine's house
And they had a McDonalds picnic at the park:

After work we went to my favorite place, Shore Acres. I love these gardens and just want to take so many pictures!

Is this place for real?
We walked down to the beach from Shore Acres and the kids happily played in the waves while I stood on the lookout for sneaker waves.
My cute 9 year old!
Ava spent most of her time working on pulling out shells and creatures from this unique rock. 
She was sad that we wouldn't let her take the shells and creatures home.
We went to a late dinner at a hamburger restaurant. The kids patiently waited for their food. It turned out to be really yummy! After dinner we drove home and the last 30 minutes on the twisty roads in the dark were not fun, but at least the kids were all asleep.
We had a play date with the Janes- our kids play so well together! Audrey and Matilda are best little friends. I was glad that we had our play date even though it was kind of short because the kids had to get to Primary activities. A few days after this, the Janes, who were going to move in July, heard that her mom was not doing well and they hopped in the car and drove straight to Utah and stayed there. 
Activity days was "pets day" and one of the girls brought her horse. All the girls got a turn riding it. 
Ava in her 3rd grade classroom. We brought her teacher a gift card to say thank you on the second to last day of school when it wasn't so crowded. 
We had to go on a walk to enjoy the beautiful sunset!

Yeah, I love him.
Last day of school was June 17! Coen didn't have kindergarten graduation, but his teacher had some photo ops with his cute cap. Coen had the same teacher that Ava had, Mrs. Whitten and she was so wonderful and loving, everything a kindergarten teacher should be. We were so lucky to get her in her last year before she retired! Ms. Painter was the assistant in the classroom and so enthusiastic and adorable. Lucky Coen with wonderful teachers!
Coen did so well in kindergarten- he learned how to read in the first month or two, and toward the end of kindergarten is reading simple chapter books. His teachers said that he was always a perfect, respectful boy. When he would get home from school though, he could be quite a stinker with a temper! I never had to help him with his homework, which he would fly through in about 5 minutes.
Coen and his friend Willow, who lived next door to us. 

Ava and her two teachers- on the left is Mrs. Aley, who she had through April, and then on the right is Mrs. Strasdas, the full-time substitute she had for the last 2 months or so. Ava had a rough year in terms of kids misbehaving in her class, and the class always having to "clear the room" until the child calmed down. In the beginning of the year she left like she had no friends but she eventually grew to have some friends that she loved playing with at recess. Ava really loved her projects this year where she learned about Anne Frank and France. She became quite an expert in both! 
I always feel so sentimental on the kids' last days! It's a little sad for them to be growing up.
Audrey went to 2 1/2 months of preschool and absolutely loved it! She went to the preschool/daycare on the high school campus. Her teachers were Lauryn (left) and Winter (right). She called them her pink and white teachers, haha. 

We had a "welcome summer party" on the last day of school and had Karen and her mom over. We grilled hamburgers, had watermelon, did chalk and pop-its outside. Yay for summer!!

Fathers Day- Brent with his three kids! Brent is the perfect complement to my parenting style. He is good at disciplining and sticking to the rules when I would be a pushover. He sits and plays games with the kids, while I prefer to read to them. He talks to them like adults and teaches them to be little brains beyond their years, while I like to hold and cuddle and kiss them like they're my babies. Even though Brent is so busy, he is so good at offering them his time, and taking them on little adventures, doing a puzzle with them, etc. Thank goodness for dads!
We ran into some of Ava's friends from class at the park and she was so excited to play with them! Here she is burying them in the sand.
I went to a birthday gathering for a cute sister in the ward. We went to a Thai restaurant that was yummy. It felt like so long since I had a good girls night! 
I bought Ava a new shirt and she got all dressed up. 
The Yaedes moved last year and we have missed them so much. We were so happy they came into town and stayed with us for a couple nights! The kids had gymnastics camp all together at Bounce on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday that week. This is Ava in pink jumping on the trampoline! I think she's jumping for joy to see Addyson.
Audrey had a new friend- he was just a little baby when they moved.
We played at the park with a few families in the ward. Happy girls!
After the park, the kids had baths to get the sand off. 
It made me so happy to see Ava playing with her bestie and giggling like old times.
Cute friends!
We went to meet friends at a pizza restaurant and the kids had tons of fun playing in the play place.
The silly boys:
Audrey all of a sudden turns into a cat and it's pretty funny to me. We'll just be walking along and the next thing you know, she's meowing and crawling on the ground. She loves kitties.
On Friday after I dropped the kids off at camp, Audrey and I went to the rose garden near by. After enjoying the roses we went to the park and had some great one on one time. I am trying to soak in the last of her toddler-ness!

One night Audrey wanted some of Brent's peanut M&Ms. She had already brushed her teeth so he told her she could take it to her bed and eat it in the morning. She took the M&M and went straight to bed. I laughed and said I'm sure she's eating it right now- you can't do that to a two year old! In the morning, Audrey came out of her room and released her clenched hand to reveal a melted peanut M&M and a green hand. Haha! She popped it in her mouth, and now we know, Audrey has some serious self control!
We had some really hot weather finally so the kids ran through the sprinklers and I made them a picnic lunch outside.
Audrey got a lot more comfortable with Sister Peaslee and wanted to sit on her lap during their reading times.

The kids love when Sister Peaslee comes!

Audrey looked so cute for church!
The nursery teacher sent this picture of all the kids folding their arms for prayer. Audrey is right next to the teacher. 
Audrey is so scared of flies! She broke into tears at breakfast when a fly was buzzing around her. It landed on her and she just had a melt down. The kids taught her to sing "shoo fly" I tried to get a video, but she didn't cooperate so well: 

Ava wanted to give Brent pazookies for Fathers Day so we bought little cast iron pans for him. He LOVED this present! For his other present, I asked my grandma to reserve a few nights at her condo in Park City so we can have a little getaway in August.
Delicious pazookie! We made 6 but they were so filling, so we shared with neighbors. 
I came out of my office one morning to find these two cuddled up like this. They fight like crazy, so it was nice to see them being sweet for a bit!
Coen asked me to get the scissors for him so he could cut some thick paper. He started snipping and tiny pieces of paper were flying. When I came back to see what he had done, he had made characters from the Mo Willems books!

We had a couple different kids in the ward babysit different days while we worked after the kids got out of school. It was tricky and expensive figuring out babysitting, but the kids enjoyed them all! I worked a couple of the Saturdays and Brent took the kids to campus for a picnic dinner and to watch a show while he got a little bit of work done there. The kids are always so thrilled to go to his campus, it's cute! 

We went to the park to have one last dinner with Karen. She is moving to Spokane to be closer to family. We made her promise she will come back and visit us, and we will go visit her too!

Sister Peaslee has something similar to Air Tags so she won't lose her keys and insulin pack. The kids love to hide these and then use the remote to make beeping noises to find them. One day she bought them each a donut and connected the beeper to the ziplock bag and each kid had to find their donut by using the remote and listening for the beeping.
Puzzle time with dad!

Brent helped Karen and some ward members load her moving truck and we had to say goodbye. We are going to miss her so much! She substituted as the kids' aunt and a sister to me. She came to the kids' birthday parties, Friday night pizza/movie nights, special occasions, and just the mundane days when we needed a lift from happy company. She joined us for church each week at home during covid, and she was one of those friends that I could discuss the gospel with and feel uplifted. Eugene will not be the same without Karen! 

Luckily we had Brent's parents fly in late that night so that we had something to distract us from the sadness! Depoe Bay is up next.

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