Saturday, July 31, 2021

June in Utah- a trip to St. George and the Zoo

 We arrived in Utah on June 19. We hung out with Brent's siblings that night- we had missed the big Cowley party because we just couldn't make it in time all the way from Idaho. The kids were squealing as we pulled up to Grandma's house! 

This is so random but I was looking up puppies of a certain breed and found this funny photo shoot someone had done. Audrey saw it on my phone and gasped and said "oh toot!" 

Sunday was Father's Day and Nana & Scott came to dinner. Here I am with my own wonderful father who I love so much! A four-generation picture. My dad is the kind of dad each kid should have- he has always been an anchor in our family. If I had to choose a word to describe my dad, I'd choose steadfast. He's extremely loyal and hardworking- I mean, he's never changed jobs since I was a baby! He is steadfast in everything in his life- his testimony, his budgeting and personal finances, his love of my mom, his love of the U, and even the same breakfast he eats every single morning! He's a combination of extremely smart and dependable. As a kid, and even now, I would ask him all sorts of questions, and he always knew the answer. 
I didn't get any pictures of Brent on Father's Day! We got him a Blockbuster magnet, cookie butter, and a few random things he loves from the grocery store. I'm so grateful for Brent and how he is my partner in raising our kids. He is far more a feminist than I am, and believes there are no such thing as "girl chores" and "boy chores." He often takes the kids to their pediatric check-ups, rocks and sings to Audrey at night, does our dishes, and plays games with the kids every day. The kids are lucky to have a dad who so selflessly gives of his time to sit and play Uno with them, or talk to them while they're falling asleep, only then to go work until the early hours of the morning because he actually had so much to do. 

Monday morning I was working in my dad's office and Coen walked by and waved to me. You can see what he did next.
Puzzle time with Grandpa!

We went to the zoo with my mom and Cher. Coen was very excited to drink out of the lion fountain- classic picture!
Audrey has watched Dumbo every day for the past couple months, so you can imagine her amazement when she saw an elephant in real life! Here's her face when she first saw it. 
Coen was SO excited to ride the carousel and told me this was his favorite "animal" at the zoo. 

That's Coen under there!
We had not even been here for one week and we drove to St. George for a long weekend. It felt so nice to soak in the sun!
Audrey in her Snow White swimming suit.
We went to the Virgin River to play.

We stayed in my parent's condo with them and went swimming lots!
We went to the awesome park right by the condos and Coen got completely soaked in the splash pad.
Audrey loves trains because of the one in Dumbo, so she was super excited to ride the train.
We love this park!

The kids got to play a lot with their cousins that live in the condos while they're building their house.

Brent and I went on a quick shopping date. I was trying to find some long shorts (no luck), but I did find this new pair of pants! 
A group of us tried to go to Zions mon Monday morning, but the parking lot was already full at 9:30am. They walked around different areas and went out to lunch. 

Coen went to his first play at Tuachan- Annie!
The kids loved the music from the play. A few days after the play I asked Ava to put away her laundry in her room and she was so mad about it. She stomped upstairs and then my mom could hear her singing angrily as she did her chore, "it's a hard-knock life for me!"

Coen stayed awake in the play, thanks to Coke!
Playing at the park by the condo.

I bought this new dress at Old Navy- Brent, aka my stylist found it ;)

We were on a walk around the condos when we heard this one evening- coyotes!
We got back to SLC and Audrey enjoyed playing in Grandma and Grandpa Cowley's yard so much. There's a new slide this year which is fun for her! She loves the sandbox and wiggle cars too.

Ryan and Ashlie's family came up for just one day so we had a dinner and played games!

Oh, how I love summer!!

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