Saturday, May 15, 2021

Ava's Terrific Baptism

 Leading up to her baptism the night before and morning of, it was so crazy, and things just kept going wrong! I think it was the adversary that didn't want this fierce little spirit to be baptized.  I'm glad we got things worked out and she was able to have a peaceful baptism. This is what I wrote on Facebook about her baptism: Ava has boundless energy and can be soooo stubborn, but she also has the kindest heart. During her confirmation, Brent blessed her that she would always look out for those who are less fortunate than her, and I have no doubt she will continue to do this.

 Ava is going to help with her baptism post now!

This is the invitation to my baptism. The picture of me is the year before in the rhododendron garden in Eugene. We chose a rainbow background because of the song "I like to Look for Rainbows."

These are my baptism pictures and these are a few that I chose. My uncle Daniel and Mark and my mom took these pictures on Grandma Tam's street. 

I got baptized on March 20, 2021 on a Saturday. 
My dad went to the font early in the morning with his computer to grade his paperwork while filling the font. They couldn't find the key to the font so it took even longer!
I got baptized in the same font as my dad. I'm happy that my dad got to baptize me. 
When I got baptized I felt loved and warm inside because I knew I was clean as white. I felt very special. 

For the baptism program, my grandpas said the opening and closing prayers and my aunt Marcie and Grandma Tam did the talks. Grandma Tam did the baptism talk and she talked about cotton candy, and wipes can make you clean again, like baptism. My aunt Marcie said "don't get too frustrated if you still can't find the Holy Ghost's voice for a while, I know how it feels," or something like that. I forgot to take a picture with my family members like my Grandma Tam and Grandpa Bob. 

Some people got to watch my baptism on zoom like my friend Karen and my friends the Wilsons in Texas.

My friend Addyson surprised me by coming without me knowing! She just tapped on my shoulder and I got wide-eyed. I was so happy she came. She lives near by us in Eugene and she came to visit her grandparents in Utah and she visited me for the baptism. 
My mom braided my hair, two braids and connected them. And she helped me get ready. 
I was so happy that my whole family could watch me get baptized. Even the ones that I haven't met or just passed away.
These are a few decorations that we borrowed from my grandma. 
Here's another picture of me and Addyson hugging.

Kay said that she knew that my Grandma Dot was here. A few months before I was baptized Grandma Dot passed away. Grandma Dot was my special Great Grandma. She left the picture of Jesus for me before she died. 
I told my cousin Boston when we were leaving, "why do I have to take a bath? I took a shower this morning!" But I was kidding. The water felt warm. When I walked into the font, the water made me feel warm, and when I came up I felt extra warm because I knew God was with me.
This is Patty, my dad's aunt, and my Great Grandma Cowley. They came for my baptism and I love them. Patty gave me a little hymn book that has my name on it and a card that everybody signed.

After my baptism was over, me and my grandma and my cousins had a little party and my aunt took a few of these pictures. 

The book I'm holding is my Book of Mormon that I got for my baptism. It has my full name Ava Dahn Cowley on the front. 
This is my Grandma JoLyn & Grandpa Jeff. 
I love my mom so much.

I love my family, even for eternity. I love my ancestors even they're gone. I hope my siblings do the choice to get baptized too. And if you haven't got baptized, I hope you choose it too.

Dear Ava, since this is the best way I'm keeping a journal right now, I wanted to let you know a few things I wrote down from the blessing Dad gave you in your confirmation: 
  • In  your trials, rather than turning away from your family and faith, turn toward them. 
  • Be mindful of those who are not as blessed as you are.
  • Use the spirit to help you make choices like if you should go on a mission and how to marry. 
  • Know that your heavenly parents love you and are proud of you.

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