Saturday, August 22, 2020

July 2020: The Utah Times

 July was so busy with so many pictures so I'm splitting July up with the Utah part and the Oregon part. In Utah, we went to Chick Fil-A and Coen was really excited to wear this astronaut mask which made me laugh.

Audrey got busier and busier by the day. I couldn't believe she figured out how to climb up on the chair like this.
The 4th of July covid- style: we joined in the on the mini neighborhood parade. The adults wore masks, but not a lot of the kids did. My parents and I cheered as the kids walked past us (the parade was about 10 houses' worth) and Coen had the most bashful face.
We went to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Hansen for his birthday and to say thank you for letting us stay in their condo.  We brought hamburgers from Smashburger. 
It was Audrey's first 4th of July!

Audrey learned how to climb up the stairs. We have to watch this girl 100% of the time.
Brent and the kids went out to lunch with his mom. It was the first time to be in a restaurant for a lot of them in quite a few months!
The night before we were leaving for Oregon Ava and I spent some quality time together since she was going to be staying in Utah and we'd be apart for 3 weeks! She's a brave girl. 

My cousin's newborn baby died several days before this and I was having a really hard time processing it- harder than I thought I would. My heart hurt so much for her, and I kept crying when I would read an update from my cousin or when I rocked Audrey at night. Ava also was sad and concerned and asking a lot of questions. My cousin was amazing, already reaching out to serve others, including the NICU nurses who cared for her baby. Ava and I decided to follow her example and do some good to help ease the sadness. We donated to Primary Children's Hospital in the baby's name. Here is Ava donating.

My sweet Ava
On our flight we had to wear masks the whole time. Coen surprised me and put his mask on like it was no big deal and kept it on the whole time. (Ava freaks out about wearing masks and won't go places because she doesn't want to wear masks.) The flight attendant handed out this package of water and treats at the beginning to minimize contact.
After 3 weeks in Oregon (see next post!) the kids and I flew back alone while Brent stayed in Oregon to do various house projects and get lots of work done. I was pretty nervous to fly alone (our flight left at 6am) but Coen watched his ipad and Audrey took an hour nap as she nursed. My friend from the ward, Mario, also happened to sit in the seat directly behind Coen and he helped me the stroller and bags. 
Ava tried on Boston's Ginnie costume for an upcoming Halloween party. We laughed at how different she looked with the wig.

My mom took us and Brittany's kids to the zoo. I wore a mask the whole time, but the kids kept taking theirs off.  I don't let my kids go into public very often right now, and I was kind of nervous the whole time- sanitizing their hands and washing several times in the couple hours we were there. Oh Covid! The kids had fun though, and we got to ride the carousel, train, and see lots of animals up close. 
It was Audrey's first time to the zoo. She wasn't quite old enough to notice the animals and get excited about them, but I think she liked the carousel!

McKenna LOVES babies and always wants to play with Audrey and hold her. 
Audrey usually likes the attention!
Natalie hosted a Harry Potter birthday party. The kids were so excited! Here they played pin the nose on Voldemort:
They made owl crafts:
And they had a magic lesson.
Harry Potter Coen's cauldron is overflowing with a magic potion here.
I worked as I could while Brent and I were apart for a week. The kids all took turns not sleeping well and waking me up. I was exhausted and so excited for Brent to come back. And despite what Brent thinks, I wasn't only excited for him to come back to help me (haha), but because I love talking to him and missed his company. When Brent got back we moved over to his parent's house to stay. 

1 comment:

  1. Natalie is the coolest aunt. Loving the zoo pics and the 4th of July. Summer is the best!
