Monday, January 6, 2020

November 2019- Cher visits for Coen's 4th birthday

The day after Halloween, Coen wanted to dress up and go trick or treating again.
Later, he told me he had a surprise for me and then turned around looking like this. I couldn't stop laughing.
We went to the park and Coen looked so handsome so I had to take his picture. He is too scared to go down the slides still at the park.
Coen really wanted to wear his skunk blanket to church.
Audrey is quite the popular girl at church. There are always people requesting to hold her.
Perfect little baby face!
Audrey spits up quite a bit depending on what I eat.
While I was cooking dinner Audrey was being fussy and Ava was actually helpful and held her for me. I had to take a picture to remember the moment- a child old enough that she can help me!
Trying on a kitty jacket:
Cher came to visit from Friday to Tuesday, to meet baby Audrey. We had fun talking, admiring the baby, watching movies, planning Coen's birthday party, and just being together.

After church Cher took some pictures for us! I didn't want to go far away, so once the baby go fed and changed we ran outside and took some pictures in our backyard and on our street.

On Sunday we went for a drive by our house and we ended up on a dead-end road that ran into a reservoir. We got out and took a walk on the path and it was so beautiful!
We caught the views right at sunset.

We decided next time we'll have to take our family pictures here!

Since there was no school on Coen's birthday, I decided a couple days before to go ahead and do a birthday party right on that day so that Cher could help me with it. It was a Toy Story 4 party. The kids made their own Forky, 
played Toy Story Bingo, 
ate cake, and watched the Forky part from the movie. It was a success and Coen loved everything! 
At 4 years old, Coen is extremely smart and observant. He knows all of his letters and also numbers 1-10. He can sound out most letters and wants to read and get homework like Ava. He talks very distinctly and has the cutest lisp. He is very organized and still likes things to be in their place. He is a clean boy and usually does not get food on his shirt or face while eating. He is starting to be a little pickier and although he loves pizza, he doesn't like to see the red sauce on it or else he won't eat it. He likes to play with legos and puzzles. He wakes up a lot in the night with nightmares (like 4 times a week still). His preschool teacher says he is a little leader in his class and all of the kids adore him. He has become so much more of a stinker in the last 6 months, but we still love our adorable boy!

Cher helped the kids paint pumpkins, which they had been begging to do for a long time.
Audrey started sitting up when propped:
Audrey falls asleep when I take her on a walk in the carrier like this.
Brent got Disney+ and everyone was so excited to check it out on Friday night! We watched the new Lady & the Tramp.
Big girl sitting in her bumbo. She actually only lasts about 3 minutes in here before she starts crying.
Ava wrote this list of things after church all on her own. Sometimes she can be so difficult, but then she goes and does sweet things like this. The note says "I love Jesis. Jesis cradid the erath (created the earth). I can be gud. I can prey. I love my famly. I can reyspet the chrch. I can go to chrch. I can be nisr to be gudr."
My cute little working buddy
I got our Christmas cards printed pretty early this year.
Coen got a bad cough that lasted for weeks. Audrey got a cold and looked so sick, but she still wasn't even fussy She just slept extra.
I don't remember why he was crying, but sometimes it's hard to be four years old.
This was what the kids' room looked like for several days- I always felt a few steps behind in everything and couldn't keep up with housework.
Audrey started holding her bottle a little bit.
Ava didn't have school on a Friday, but Coen did, so we had some girl time and painted our nails.
Ava decided to make these during fun time and I thought the kids looked like they belonged in a Wes Anderson movie.
I made a scavenger hunt for the kids and they were so excited about the whole thing. Here they are as I'm reading them a clue.
At the park it was chilly, but Audrey just sat in her car seat so happily.

The kids love playing with Audrey
We went to see Frozen II and in my humble opinion, the story was so convoluted. It's not saying much, but I was confused the whole time.

Matching in pink for church.
Audrey got too big for her swaddle so we got her this sleep suit that is basically like the poor kid in a Christmas Story that can't put his arms down. She can't startle herself that way! She sleeps anywhere from 6-8 hours in it.
These pajamas have unicorns on the toes and Audrey kicks her feet and watches them, totally entertained!
We went to Astoria for Thanksgiving break, but that will get its own post because I took so many pictures :)

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