Sunday, September 22, 2019

June 2019- Cousin time in Utah

We left for Utah on June 8, so we had a week here in Oregon of school before we went. The kids missed about 8 days of school since the other kids here didn't get out until June 18! 

This was the first time I saw Coen draw people:
 The kids were invited to a swim birthday party - there were lots of fancy snacks and the kids had a great time, although Coen acted like he was going to be scared to swim at first. Since I swam with him though, he got right in.

 Playing at the Wilsons- Ava loves to pick up Pascal. She was making him laugh his head off, but scaring us when she was tipping over with him.
 Coen was getting in trouble for something so I snuck this picture since he looked so dang cute with his puppy eyes.
 Coen asked me to take a picture at his school. Alison Park Preschool- he had a great preschool year!
 On our walk, Coen was so excited to see "Rose Petal" - he's been obsessed with this show that Brent showed them from when he was little.
 Going to Ava's last day of ballet.
 30 weeks pregnant!
 Ava's kindergarten graduation picture. We sadly missed the actual graduation since it wasn't until mid-June.
 Coen was so naughty one day- actually a lot of days. I think the transition of being able to see my tummy growing made him realize something was up and he was acting out. But on this particular day he drove me so completely crazy, but then he looked so cute and innocent after he went to sleep.
 Our kids' last day of school!

 Brent took Ava to breakfast almost every day this year. Lots of days he and Coen went in, and some days he just dropped her off. Ava always got a plain bagel, juice, and chocolate milk.
 Ava and her teacher, Mrs. Whitten. We are so grateful she got such a wonderful teacher who thought Ava was just perfect! Ava loved her.
 Coen and his teacher, Mrs. Heather. His teacher LOVED Coen, and he loved her back.
Giving hugs to his friends- Olivia and Jaylen
Play date at her friend's house, Ava still likes to dress up, but usually only with friends.
Brent's friends from his mission, the Blues, were in Oregon and came to visit. They brought little baby food jars containing little time capsules that Brent and them had buried in their yard about 14 years ago!

Brent and I walked to the end of our street one evening to watch the beautiful sunset:

It's a big job to clean our house and prep it to leave for so long. We left for Utah on Saturday and stayed with the Turnbulls in Meridian that night.
We stopped at Costco for some nourishment:

Coen had told his preschool teacher that he was going to Utah and was going to read the "mouse book" at his grandma's house, like that was the thing he was looking forward to the most. Right when we got there, his dreams came true!
My mom took the kids to Wheeler Farm on Monday morning while I worked.

My mom also took the kids to the zoo that week.
Ava was mad about sitting in this booster that was not her own. She can be so picky about this sort of thing, so luckily Grandma Tammy had the great idea for her to decorate it and make it more girly. 
We had a swim playdate with Brent's cousins.
Ava and Boston were excited to see each other. These two love each other and also fight like cats and dogs!
Brent went with his parents to the Manti Pageant, for the last year!
Ava had a sleepover with Lucy and was in heaven. Lucy is one of her top 3 favorite people in this world.
While Ava was out doing fun things with Lucy and Grama, Coen and I went on a date to a few stores and Chick Fil-A. I loved spending time with just my little dude.
We went to Wheeler Farm with the Cowleys to see the fairies:

Ava and Lucy are performing the song they wrote here. They're wearing the skirts Grama bought them.
We went to a baby shower for Brent's cousin. I asked if Brent and Coen could swim in the pool at this club house (where we had our playdate earlier). The boys were swimming outside while the girls were celebrating inside, when all of a sudden I looked outside and saw Ava jump into the pool with Brent. She had found her swimming suit in our pool bag, and thought that sounded more fun apparently!
Father's Day- do you ever wonder what it would be like to have Brent as your dad? These kids are lucky! There's constant games, music, and entertainment when Brent is your dad!

My dad's birthday fell on Father's Day this year:
Natalie and Marcie planned a surprise party for Tammy's 60th! It turned out so great:
The whole family was there, except for Tim at work:

We sure love Grandma! She is always doing something for someone else, and never has a bad thing to say about anyone.
I went into the office one day and worked a full long day. I felt good that day and was able to sit for the whole day without being too uncomfortable. After work, I met my family, my parents, and the Finches at the zoo for a  zoo night.

Coen wanted me to take his picture and posed like this:

The face painting line was really long, but lucky for Ava, Grama and Grandpa waited with her.
Coen & McKenna- The perfect picture for what summer looks like:
The kids played barbies for a long time. Their aunts and Grandma watched them while I worked downstairs.

We had a playdate with Emily- it was such a busy summer that this was the only time I got to see her!
Putting Coen's cleanliness to good use- helping dust.
Coen went on his birthday dinner outing to Brick Oven. He acted shy and nervous at first to be going all alone, but of course had fun!
My Grandma Hansen got us tickets to Toy Story 4. The kids had been anxiously awaiting this day for so long.

After the movie we used our zoo pass and went to the Natural History museum.
Coen is watching me type here and wants to say about this pictutre "we dig and dig for a long time like we will never get out."
Sometimes the kids look so cute to me that I just have to take their picture to remember:

My mom took the kids to the Gale museum. Ava getting some practice in with a baby ;)
Coen doing the only fishing he did this summer:
Ava and I went together to get our haircuts:
Another perfect summer picture:
Coen says "Coen was driving the bubble car."
Coen did his first swimming lessons at my mom's neighbor's house. Ava also did swimming lessons here, but she got a 45 minute private lesson on a few Fridays!
Coen says "I love swimming so much. Like I didn't get out of the pool."
Coen says "yay mommy time! Coen loved going to mommy. Coen loved having a playdate tomorrow." [He still gets his tomorrow/yesterday concept of time mixed up].
Hugging his baby sister.
Coen says "I like-ed wearing a necklace."
Ava went running through the sprinklers at about 8 pm when it wasn't so hot anymore. She was wild, running around getting soaked.
Ava dancing to a song from the new Mary Poppins movie. Her makeshift top hat and cane were cracking me up.
Since Coen and I had gotten a little flu bug earlier in the week, Coen got to make up his lesson during Ava's time- and this time Dad helped him :)  Coen says "I loved swimming in the pool and I was going under the water."
Grandma Tammy took the kids to Burger King one day while watching them. Coen says "I loved going at that store. I loved eating and drinking."
My work Cowabunga Bay party was in June this year (usually it's later in July), so luckily I was able to go!
Coen says "I just want that ice cream sometime."
Not pictured- three of my cousins from Kansas City also joined us.
We went to see My Fair Lady at the Centerpoint Theatre. This random girl got in the picture with Ava, haha. I don't think Ava quite understood the play, but she has been liking the music since.

And that was the end of our very busy and very fun June!

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