Sunday, November 25, 2018

Halloween 2018, the Fall farm, and another trip to the ER

During October we went to Disney World, but that will be its own post because I have a million pictures from that trip. So here's October 2018 minus the trip. 
I started writing down a few funny things the kids say so that I could include them in the blog. 
Ava's funnies: 
-Feel my water bottle. It's very freaking freezing.

-I got a library book about a girl who has strong feelings. 
Me: what do you mean strong feelings? Ava: Like mad and sad.

-(Talking to me) Wouldn't it be cool if all of us in our family had blue eyes? But you don't. You have green eyes. But not pretty green.

Coen's funnies:
-(When his babysitter was joking around and pronounced it skissors) "Karina, it's scissors. Say ssss-isors. Good job, you said it right."
-Doing his first homework, he had to find safety items in our house. I explained the assignment, and then gave him an example like our house alarm.When I asked him what else in our house helps him be safe, he said "mom's hugs."

Coen took this of me. Mommy in her natural element :)
 We had some sunny days where we could go to the park. The trees were gorgeous at the beginning of October!
 I gave Coen a haircut and he looked super cute.
 Ava's friend invited her to go to her dance class. Coen fell asleep during the ride there and slept all the way through class.
 Here are the cute little ballerinas.
 Coen had two little friends over for a play date and they were adorable playing dress-up together.
 Coen was so happy!
 General Conference brought the big announcement that we were going to have two hour church. We had heard it as a rumor for months, but we weren't totally sure if it would ever really happen. When the prophet started speaking and we knew it was actually coming, I snapped this picture of Brent:
 We love General Conference at our house! The kids did a good job doing their conference bingo.
 Brent makes coffee cake every General Conference, and on Saturday morning he got up to make it while I was still in bed. He told me he had breakfast for me, but I reminded him I couldn't eat it now. He said, "yes you can, this one is gluten free!" He had looked up a new recipe and used gluten free flour, which was so sweet of him! It tasted so good to eat something cake-like. Is there anything better than being spiritually fed while lounging in your pajamas with your family? I think not.
 We had some friends from the ward over to dinner and played Headbands with them.

 Coen and Ava love to hide behind our coffee table and pop up and shout "surprise" any time Brent or I are coming down the stairs. Coen has started getting, either lazy or innovative, and instead of running behind the coffee table, he just "hides" by covering his eyes. He's like this when I come into the room and then he takes his hands off his face and shouts surprise!
 After lunch and before it's time to get Ava, Coen loves to play games with me.
Here's a video from when we're playing matching. I just love the way he talks.

 At the end of our street are these stepping stones that the kids love to hop on. You can see the open land surrounding us at the end of our street.
Ava has started telling me that she doesn't like school anymore because it's boring. She doesn't like doing homework, and she really only likes recess and "pack n' stack," which is when they gather their things to go home. Here's a video of her telling me this at dinner:

Coen also struggles going to school just for the fact that he's a homebody and he wants to be with me. I always feel bad sending him out the door with Brent, but he always is happy when I pick him up and his teacher says he does well. When we got home from preschool one day, Coen started doing this on our carpet, see the video: 

 Work got really really crazy around the middle of October and I got super stressed. I was working a ton of extra hours with a crazy demanding client, and just felt really worn out. On a Friday morning when Ava was off school, I took a break and we went to the Wilsons to play. We just sat there and all worked on a puzzle (two year olds included) and had good conversation. It was so relaxing and I felt so grateful for good friends. Plus, Diana made me gluten free pumpkin muffins, so even better!
 On this busy week, I worked evenings after the kids went to bed, and even Friday night. Brent also worked a ton like normal. We did manage to get away to the farm for a bit on Saturday since we loved this one so much last year.
 Here we are on the hay ride.

 The hayride took us to a pumpkin patch where we picked out a white pumpkin for our porch, not the one pictured.
 This pumpkin was huge!

 On Sunday after ward council I came home and took a nap since I was so tired from the busy week. As I was getting up from my nap I heard Coen fall in our living room and do a loud scream that I can only describe as a "hospital scream." As in, we're going to the hospital. He had been running and dancing and tripped and flew head-first into our coffee table. I came downstairs to where Brent was holding a paper towel on Coen's forehead. Brent said to me all calmly, "I'm going to take this paper towel off his head. No big reactions ok?" He took the paper towel off and Coen had the deepest cut I've ever seen. I yelled "oh my GOSH! STITCHES!" Brent said, "I said, no big reactions!" I just could not believe how deep the cut could could be on a flat forehead.
 Long story short, I went to church with Ava while Brent took Coen to urgent care (who then referred him to ER). Brent said Coen was super brave and didn't cry. Luckily they were able to glue it back together pretty quick and they were on their way home.
Coen has really loved doing his puzzles. He can do this 24 piece puzzle all by himself in just a few minutes. The puzzle-solving side of this boy's brain is going to get him a great job some day, I'm sure of it. 
 We left for one week to Florida - see our next post coming up!
Our flight got back at midnight so we stayed with friends in Portland. We went to the temple visitor center and I think it was the most beautiful I've seen the grounds.

 Our friends that we stayed with in Portland gave us this entry way table which fits so nicely in our hall! Here Ava is modeling the table and also her souvenir from Disney World, a Minnie Mouse purse that she's so excited about.
 We got a LOT of candy at Mickey's not so scary Halloween party at Magic Kingdom. Each of us got one of these bags and we filled it up trick or treating there. When we were flying home, going through the security, a security man pulled Brent's backpack and asked if they could take a look at it closer. The agent said, "there's so much candy in here, we can't even see through the scanner what's inside the backpack." Brent had stuffed ALL the candy in his backpack. The agent brought it back and said, "ok, you're good to go. Wow. That was a lot of candy." Brent and I got a good laugh out of that.
 Ava's school picture... I'm so cheap I couldn't bear to order any. Rip off! I'll print my own cute ones I took :)
 Coen helping Bren rake the leaves.
 We went to a Halloween party at our friend's house, with Coen going as Woody and Ava as Belle.
On Halloween I took the kids to Brent's school to trick or treat in his building. Coen went as Donald Duck, and Ava as Jasmine. As we walked through the halls, people were flipping out at this Donald Duck: 
 Most of the students don't see young kids very often, so some of them were beside themselves. Some of the comments we got: "Oh. My. GOSH!!" "That is literally the cutest thing I've ever seen." "OK, he just made my day."

 For trick or treating in our neighborhood, the kids got into their warm costumes, Ava as Rapunzel and Coen as Buzz Lightyear. They had so much fun, and Brent did too! The next morning, Coen asked me, "can we go trick or treating tonight?"

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