Sunday, September 2, 2018

Our First Camping Trip Ever

July 17-31
Ryan's family came into town and the kids had lots of fun playing with their cousins.
 Brent took the kids to a Dahn party part 2 while I stayed home and worked. Coen really enjoyed the pizza.
My mom took the kids to feed the ducks.
Brent and I went on a date to see Won't You Be My Neighbor at the theater, about Mr. Rogers. I loved it so much. 

 We went downtown to meet my dad for lunch and pick up Lucy for a sleepover.

 We went to my work party at Cowabunga Bay. My mom all of a sudden got sick with our tummy bug that had been going around, and then my dad came down with it too.
 Luckily the girls had lots of fun at Cowabunga, because after, Lucy had to go home and they didn't get to have their sleepover yet!
Coen looked in the potty and saw poop and said a naughty word. I could not figure out where he learned the word, and if that's for sure what he was saying, but it was sure clear! Skip these videos if you want to keep this rated G :) 

 Cute girls reading together:

We went camping for my and the kids' first time with Brent's family. We went to Brent's brothers' spot in Sanpete county. 

 Brent's brothers have fixed up the site so nicely.
 We had lots of fun playing games,
 doing crafts,
 laying around in hammocks,
 and four-wheeling.
 In the morning, we woke up really early because of the sun, and Coen wanted to sing songs. We got a cute video:
Marcie and Natalie planned a super fun Harry Potter party for the kids complete with sorting us into houses, themed treats, and crafts.

 The kids especially loved painting their Harry Potter wands.
 Natalie planned a fun scavenger hunt for the kids. Tammy and Bob cooked yummy meals, and I basically just enjoyed it all :)

 All of the grandkids:
Family pics:

 At night we sang camp songs around the fire. We decided to stay one more night since Brent didn't have to teach until 2 pm the next day.

 We went to the pond and caught frogs and toads

 No one in our family was brave enough to pet them, but Boston did!
 Cute cousins, born only 2 weeks apart. I hope they're friends all their lives.
When we got home Coen was particularly happy to be in a house and did "snow angels" on my parent's carpet!
We had a party on the 24th of July with grandparents and Jordan and his girls.
 Ava loves the slip 'n slide.
 My parents took Ava to an outdoor play with Cher's family.
 We got another date to the temple:
 I took the kids to the farm country down at Thanksgiving point because our awesome museum pass gets us in there too! The kids were SO excited to ride ponies:

 Ava surprised me and touched a lot of the animals and fed them. She usually doesn't want to be that close to animals.
 Coen feeding a donkey:
 Ava's reaction after feeding the donkey:
 We took a wagon ride:
 We went to the temple and did sealings with Brent's parents.
Snuggling with Grandma:
 Ava looking especially pretty with curled hair:
 I just love her little freckles on her nose. I don't know if you can see them in these pictures:

 We went to the Brough reunion and I loved holding my cousin's new baby:
Our mini me's:

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