Sunday, May 13, 2018

April: Playing Bames and a Date in our Car

Now that we have two baby dolls, the kids can each play with one. Ava still prefers her old baby Ava doll and Coen is so sweet with "baby Easter."
 Coen is getting so crazy about playing "bames" (games). He especially loves all of Brent's Disney ones! This particular evening while I took a relaxing bath, Coen and Brent looked at and organized each card in the Disney Apples to Apples game. It took an hour and Coen was so into it the whole time.
Ava can be so difficult and stubborn. Most of the pictures we take are naturally when we're all happy, but this particular morning I just had to document her tantrum because it was slightly funny. She was so mad that Brent made her wear her boots and she kept yelling, "I'm not adorable!"
 We went to tour a little preschool/daycare that Coen will be going to next year. He'll do 3 days a week in the mornings. I'm sad to let my baby go, but this year was too hard on me trying to multi-task working and taking care of the kids. This way I can have my set time when I'll be able to work. Brent also will not have to do homework in the mornings with Coen while he watches a movie... It will be good for all of us.
 I keep trying to practice cutting Coen's hair. He doesn't mind TOO much because I let him watch something on my phone. It looks pretty ok if it's slicked to the side...
 but pretty not ok if it's not. I'll learn by the time he cares, hopefully!
 Brent got a pizelle maker for us and we have had fun making them and putting nutella and strawberries on top. We had friends over for a movie night and made these. We also made them for when I hosted book club at my house.
 We like going to story time on the Fridays when we can make it. I love seeing my two blondies sitting next to each other.
 We went to a birthday party at an indoor playground and the kids had fun! Except for when Coen got a bonk on his head. He kept telling us he "got an owie at the happy birthday party."
 The kids were making funny faces in our pack n play and making me laugh.

 We tried to have Coen skip his nap on Sunday, but it was too hard and he fell asleep at 6 pm in my arms at dinner.
 We had the missionaries over to dinner and I sent this picture to their mom's cell phones because I thought they would like that :) Both missionaries love movies and had fun talking to Brent.
 I was trying to take a picture of Coen's owie, which turned into a black eye!

 We went to the little museum on Brent's campus for a kids day and the kids got to make paint brushes with pine tree pieces.
 Little scientist:
 Our friends watched our kids so Brent and I could go on a date. We went to a taco place and I got a huge burrito:
 Then we drove around a new part of the city we haven't explored, and finally found some huge gorgeous houses. I had not seen really big nice houses yet like this in Eugene. There were pretty views.
 Then, I planned for us to watch a movie in the back of our car on our iPad. I told Brent it was either going to be a really good idea or a really bad idea :) We had lots of pillows and blankets and put down all the seats and watched the new Woody Allen movie. We were south of the city, in the community college parking lot, and I was slightly nervous someone was going to come up to our car wondering what the heck we were doing. It was fun times, although probably more comfortable in our house! It made for a good memory though and I love Brent because he always goes along with my ideas no matter what.
 Coen in overalls:
 We had some friends over from our ward and had lots of fun with them. Our kids got along, especially Coen and his little friend:
Coen and his friends watching a movie:
 Ava loves this owl she got for her birthday. Here she is bottle feeding it:
 When I was on a walk around our neighborhood I found this "Little Library."
 We had a really rainy beginning of April, and then the sun started to come out more which felt so nice!
 Pinewood Derby:
 Coen yelled to me "look at me mom!" I was actually really impressed so I took a picture!

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