Sunday, February 4, 2018

New Year Celebration & Marcie's Wedding

Here's what we did for the second half of our Christmas vacation in Utah!

Coen and his new love. 
 We had an extended Braithwaite party at my parent's house and played the bells for our tradition.
 Adding Santa hats made everything funnier.
 Ava was getting really into her bell ringing.
 Group photo
Matching Minnie jammies:
 The next day Jordan, Laura, and I went to get massages for our presents from my mom. It was niiiice. Then we came home and made gingerbread houses:
 Mirror selfie, not with my children, but with my dog-niece?!
 Coen loved Lottie.
 This marble run set from my grandma has provided hours and hours of entertainment.
 My mom and I took the kids to feed the ducks at the park. It was warm enough we even let them play on the toys for a bit. What a weird warm winter with hardly any snow!
 We went out to dinner at the Melting Pot with Marcie & Mitch. Since the wait was so long, we went to the downtown library and walked around temple square first.
 Yummy fondu- the steam wanted to be in Mitch's face the whole time.
I did an inventory count early the next morning with my coworker Rob. Usually I have gone by myself on counts, but I'm so glad Rob was there because he had to climb high ladders to count things and this girl who is scared of heights would have been FREAKING out.
 Coen trying on his new suit for the wedding.
Marcie had three bridal showers in one day! This is the one with the family in the morning.
 It was a British tea party theme and everything was so pretty.
 On New Year's Eve we went to visit my grandparents and my cousin came at the same time. We got to meet her baby and dog :)
 New Year's Eve, 2017!
 Ava got to help my grandma make her famous chocolate fudge ice cream topping.
 After my grandma's house we came back to my parent's house (my parents were out of town) and we showed Ava a youtube clip of the ball dropping in Times Square from another year. We didn't let her stay up till midnight this year!
 We watched fireworks from the back porch...
and watched Times Square stuff for a bit. Here's my mini New Years date:
And my real New Years date:
On New Year's Day, I worked for a bit while some of Brent's family went to Scheels:

We all gathered at the Cowley's for dinner and some more present exchanges. The kids joined in this year and did their own gift card exchange. You shoot the gift cards hanging on the window with a nerf gun and whichever one you hit, you get.
January 3- Marcie & Mitch's wedding day!
Their sealer was kind of funny in the SLC temple.
It was pretty warm for December, in the 40s, but still so cold to be standing outside for very long, especially for Marcie!

Lots of family ones that I took behind the photographer (who actually was a former student of Brent's from SLCC we figured out!)

Ta da!
We had the wedding luncheon at Mitch's church in South Weber and then went to Farmington for the reception. Here are some matching girls:

Marcie & Mitch and all of their nieces and nephews:

Ava caught the bouquet and was so excited about it!

It was a long day, but a great one with everything going smoothly and no drama. :)

The next morning was our flight back to Oregon and Ava was pretty devastated to leave Utah. She was being a little bit dramatic about it so I had to snap a picture. Poor Ava. I remember leaving Utah every summer feeling how she's looking.
We had such a great trip and had so much fun seeing our family and being there for the wedding! Here's to 2018.

1 comment:

  1. That's cool! Two of the occasions falling on same date. Pleased to announce my sister's engagement in few days. Arrangements are done with perfection. Most beautiful are the Venues in NYC booked for her special day. Bought designer outfits from a luxury store. Catering and decoration are royal as well. Hope all her dreams come true.
