Friday, September 2, 2016

July part two

We had the teachers from the foreign exchange program come to our house sometimes and they were obsessed with Coen. It was so cute!
On a walk along the Jordan River- I thought this picture was perfect because this is how Ava feels about Lucy.
 Here is a video of Coen learning how to pull up. He had just barely learned how to scoot! He was so proud of himself and would start giggling when he got high enough he could see me.,

Aunt Marcie is the best! (Laura, do you even read this blog?) Marcie watched the kids for me a few times while I worked. Thanks Marcie!
Coen just being a cutie as always.
Chick-fil-a day, of course we went! We went alone as a family that evening and during the day both of our moms and Brent helped the Chinese kids all dress up as cows and get some food too.
Look how adorable this picture is! I love that my kids have so many aunts and uncles that adore them.
We tried to get a picture of grandma and grandpa with all of their grandkids while we were at a park. Fail! They all had their own individual issues of why they wouldn't smile. 

Well at least Coen pulled through and we got this cute picture.
After the park we went to the outside of a concert to listen to Chicago. We just sat on the lawn and could hear it perfectly. It was fun! I sent this picture to Laura and she text back, "Chicago as in Dad's music??" I told her yes, the real ones! She text back, "Then why are you all so happy?" Hahaha.
"You're the meaning in my life"
Brent and Ava went with the Chinese kids to Park City on an excursion and they went to this Olympic park and watched people ski jumping into the water.
Then they went to This is the Place Heritage Park and Ava got to ride a pony for her first time! She has been dying to ride a pony for a long time and I'm glad she finally got to.
I'm a little sad I wasn't there for this cute moment.
We had a holiday activity with the Chinese exchange students and our family was in charge of St. Patrick's Day. We all wore green.
I helped prepare the Thanksgiving meal that was part of the holidays celebration.
The kids on a walk with Ava's "Chinese brothers" as Brent called them. Haha.
We went to Henry's birthday party and went swimming, which was lots of fun.
We also went to Nathan and Adalyn's birthday party which was Mickey & Minnie themed. Brittany made these cakes!
When they're looking this cute I feel like I need to have about 6 more kids ;)
Oh my.
We tried to do another picture of the grandkids. It's possible one turned out better and I just don't have a copy, but maybe we need to hire a professional!
My work had its summer party at Cowabunga Bay and I could invite some people to come. We invited some friends (and their Chinese exchange students) and my parents and Brent's parents came. It was a fun evening with a bbq, and having the place reserved just for my work! My dad also won a little gift card to Chick-Fil-A. Yeah baby.
Good times!
Brent and my mom took all of the Chinese kids to see the floats at the civic center (they all hated it!) but Ava liked it. Here she is at the castle one.
Coen with Aunt Patty.
Wearing the bare essentials.
I love how Coen tries to get his food with his pointer finger. It is the most adorable thing ever, I had to take a picture because soon he won't do this pincer grasp. Ah I love the baby stage.
One day the cousins got together and Natalie brought his pool. We had so much fun swimming, eating popsicles, and just talking. Summer is definitely my favorite season!
They had sticky faces and were so happy, although Coen looks serious in this picture:
Ava at swimming class- she learned so quickly! She loved practicing going under the water while she waited for her turn. By the end of the summer she could hold her breath and swim short distances, but obviously still needs us to be right there with her.
Coen looking all cute during Ava's swim class one day.
Brent trying to work on his masters thesis on Christopher Nolan. He didn't get too many study days in because it was such a busy summer.
We went to the Tabernacle Choir Pioneer Day concert which was so good! I miss having all of the excellent free events at Temple Square.
While we were at the concert, Tammy watched the kids for us and Ava got to have a "late night" downstairs with all of her cousins!
Then Cher and Lucy slept over that night. The next morning we had girls time! We went to Zucchini Grill for lunch.
Then we went with Grandma (minus Cher) to see Peter Pan at the Hale in Orem. It was so funny and entertaining!
Ava was shy to take a picture with Peter Pan.
Ava and Lucy had lots of fun dancing and making up little shows for us.
Hahaha, they got into it!
On the 24th of July we went with Brent's family up to the temple quarry.
I only have selfies from that day! It's pretty amazing what the pioneers did to get that granite out and make a temple with it!
My mom hosted a little Braithwaite gathering and we had a yummy dinner. I think this picture is so cute of Coen and Nana!
During the Braithwaite party the kids played outside in the pool to stay cool.
Coen played in the water table for the first time with our cousin.
Then we had ice cream sandwiches and got dirty faces!
Ava on her last day of swim class.
I went up to Cher's one day and we went to a free movie at the theater (Rio), and then we let the kids play in the pool. It was fun to be together!
Brent took the kids to his work picnic alone while I was working one day. He's pretty brave because I would never do that.
 We went up to Park City on a Friday for an outdoor symphony. Before the symphony we went shopping at the outlet mall and we all got some new clothes.
Here is a video of what Ava was doing as she was trying on clothes:
Here we are shopping, having fun! We found some awesome deals!
We went to dinner and then to the concert, which was Dreamworks music. (Guess whose idea this was :) )
The weather was perfect.

Here I am ready for church in my new outfit I bought from Banana Republic in Park City.

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