Sunday, May 29, 2016

School year is over!

This week I have so many videos for some reason. So get onto a computer to look at this week's post (since I don''t think they work on i-phones sadly).

 I get a workout pushing both of the kids in the stroller.

Ava likes these little sponge things that grow in water. See it in her yellow cup? I thought she looked so cute here, despite no pants on.
 During the week we were really busy with Brent writing his proposal for his thesis and me working on the other days. But on Friday it was our 6th anniversary and we got to take some time off to play!
We went on a "hike" by the lake by our house. Everything is flat here, so the hike was more like a stroll along a dirt path, with me being paranoid of snakes and other animals. But it was nice to get out and enjoy nature. That is something I really miss about Utah, how beautiful it is everywhere and how we can easily go outside and do something. There is not much in Texas for us nature-wise.
 Look how green it is! Ava loved picking wild flowers.
 Ava went to play at her friend's house and Brent and I went to a nice anniversary dinner. Coen was an angel baby and sat in his car seat most of the time.
These were my cute boys for my date:
 We got this yummy hot cookie with ice cream.

Brent really wanted Coen to try the ice cream. Here's a video of it:

I can't believe it's been 6 years since we were married! I LOVE being married to Brent. He makes everything fun. He makes me feel loved and he spoils me with letting me sleep in, cooking dinner, doing the dishes, cleaning the house, etc. Of course, some of that he does because I'm working, but I love that we have it figured out and we work together as a team to get everything done. I love so many things about him, that I could go on and on forever. Suffice it to say, I'm crazy about him.

On Saturday morning we met our friends Lisa and Adam at a fun park by our house.

Here is a video of Ava on the zipline:
 After the park, our neighborhood pool had its opening. They had free snow cones for us.

 Ava was in pure heaven with the splash pad. Look at her face!

Here is a video of Ava enjoying the splash pad:

At dinner that night, after the pool, Ava was worn out after the pool. Check out this video:

On Sunday we went to our friend's (Lisa & Adam)house to say goodbye. We are so sad they're leaving. 
 Ava and Gavin are the cutest friends.
 Ava even had her first kiss!
 Here's my cute boy looking so grown up.
 Do you see that little dimple?

Coen growls all the time. We think he picked it up from Ava because she growls at him. Here's a video:
 We had spaghetti one night and Ava loved it. It got all over her naked self!
 Big boy sitting in my room with me while I worked.
We went on a walk around our neighborhood and Brent had Coen sitting on top of the stroller like this. Coen looked like a prince being carried around by servants :)

 Here's a video of Coen on the stroller:
We tried to get in some time at our pool, but it's been a pretty rainy week! We had the place to ourselves. Since it's only the beginning of the season, it's still pretty cold in the water!
 Family selfie at the pool.

 Coen LOVES the water! Look at his smiles!

A video of Coen's first time in the pool:
Brent defended his proposal for his thesis. Ava went to her friend's house and I took Coen in the Mobe wrap (which puts him to sleep) to provide moral support to Brent. I am really proud of Brent for how hard he's worked and how passionate he is with what he does.
 Ava had a tea party outside one day.
 Coen with a sweet potato face.

Here is a video of Coen laughing at the "airplane spoon"
Coen has a love/hate relationship with this dragonfly on his exercauser. He loves to suck on the blue wings but after just a few minutes he gets so frustrated because he can't get a good handle on it. He breaks down crying, every time.

This weekend was the weekend of "failed plans." Almost everything we planned either fell through, or we changed our minds about. Instead of going to Lego Land,  we decided to go to the new Alice. Both kids sat and watched it. Coen napped too. I liked the movie more than Brent did.

Look at this crazy house that we pass on our way to the theater. You can't quite tell from this picture but it's a ginormous mansion!
 This weekend our friend Ami came into town with her baby. The baby is 5 months older than Coen but they are the same size!
 Ava being sweet with Coen:
 This week we are packing up and starting on our road trip to Utah!


  1. Good work Brent!
    Ha ha, the dragon fly frustration.
    Yay for summer! Your suit looks super cute.

  2. Jen!! You're already coming back!! That's the best news!!! We can be friends again!!! You're blog always makes me smile. Maybe it's because Coen is incredibly happy in every post (minus the sad face this time)! Let's play soon!!! Miss you!
