Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Spring in Texas

The rose bush in our front yard is blooming and Ava is crazy about it! She wants to always pick them and bring them in for me. We've kept some on our kitchen table and she loves that.

She ran to pick some roses after church and I hurried and snapped this picture. She looks so beautiful! 
 We had Rita over for dinner and family night. It's always fun with her.
 Ava was really into Brent's FHE lesson.

Right before Rita came over we all of a sudden had a hail storm and the tornado siren went off. Here's a video:

Some places around us got lots of damage from the hail. We have friends that showed hail the size of kid's hands! We just had hail the size of peas for the most part. And luckily we park our cars in the garage! A few days after this I heard an ad on the radio from a car dealership around us that they were having a huge sale on all of their inventory that was damaged by hail. Oh snap.

On my day off work we went to play at our friend's house, the Merrells. Ava loves the girl her age, Makaylie, and I have a fun time talking to the mom who's about my age and went to BYU. After our play date I decided to splurge and go to Chick Fil-A :) We brought it home and had a "picnic" in our kitchen. It was so fun!
 We were all wearing red, I noticed! We took a few pictures.

 This was what I call a fun "mom day."
 Coen's first time wearing shorts. Cuteness overload.
 On Friday night we had our friends over (the ones we met at the library) for dinner and games. Their boy is only two but talks like a 4 or 5 year old.

On Saturday morning I went to a stake relief society activity with Coen and Brent and Ava went to the gym with Chris. Sadly, no pictures from these activities! We all had fun though. After that we went to the Jungle Book at the theater. Brent liked it more than I did. It was a little old for Ava because she got scared and bored.

That evening we got a babysitter and Brent and I went out to dinner at Outback. Yummy and fun!!!

The story about our babysitter is this: Last year at a ward youth auction we bought a girl's babysitting services. We never called her up because we went to Utah for the summer and then I had a baby and stuff. Our ward has since split and she is now in the other ward. I said we should just forget it. Brent said let's just call and see what she says!

So Brent called and talked to the mom. She was super nice and said of course they would still babysit. I asked if the girl should come here or if we should take the kids to their house. The mom said, "I'd prefer if you came here because I know CPR." OK... deal!

We took the kids there and the whole family played with the kids. As we were leaving, the younger daughter was making Coen laugh his head off. The mom was like, "We've got this in the bag, go have fun!" Ava was brave and played with her new friends without a problem. When we got back, the mom said about Ava, "she is spunky... I like her!"It was a fun night- too fun to take pictures!

Cutest little outfit.
 Looking particularly babyi-sh. Man, I just really, really, really love having a baby (and also being pregnant). If they didn't turn into toddlers and if Brent didn't think we were done with two, I would have like 10 more :)
 Ava with big eyes.
 She requested lots of colors in her hair. She lets me do her hair every day now.
Ava loving on Coen.
 Ava played doctor with me. I was "sick" so she brought me all sorts of stuff to make me feel better including putting a swimming suit on my head, a camera on my head, a blanket, cards, and toys on my chest.

Little chub.
 Elf on the shelf.
 He thought it was funny too.
Ava's babysitter took her to a museum in downtown Dallas and Ava had a fun time!
 Going on a walk to enjoy the nice weather in the evening.

Jimmy Johns had subs for $1 one day and you can bet we went!

Coen's first time sitting in the cart like a bug boy but still looking tiny. We picked out a present for Makaylie's birthday coming up. Ava was really excited to choose things and didn't cry or whine at all that she didn't get it. She seemed to understand!
 Coen learned a new trick to raise his arms for us to pick him up. I caught him looking a little gangster-ish.

 On Friday for playgroup we went to a fun new park that had awesome toys! Ava was so happy.

 They have this fun zipline which Ava loved.
 I held Coen in the wrap the whole time and he was so good.
That evening we went to get smoothies.
 On Saturday we had Makaylie's birthday at Chick Fil-A. Ava was excited for her to open the present we got.

On Sunday I had a busy day! I went visiting teaching in the morning before church. At church I sang with the choir and then taught young women's. After church I had choir practice and a temple recommend interview. 

Before church Brent got a picture of Ava and I with our lush, out of control front yard. 

Happy Spring!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Utah for Easter & General Conference

I got a little behind on my blog, so this post will be 3 weeks- the week before Utah, the week in Utah for Easter and General Conference, and then the week after. 

Coen lounging in his chair looking huge.
 Sweet boy laying on the ground by me while I worked like crazy for my work deadline.
 My little buddy keeping me happy.
 Apparently I'm just crazy about this boy :) Don't worry, more pictures of Ava coming later in the post!
What would a blog post be without a video of Coen giggling?

 Ava went with her babysitter to a teddy bear parade. She chose to take her Pluto stuffed animal and paraded him around the library.
 Ava was really emotional during the week when I was working a ton. I think she could feel the stress and also had a hard time not getting as much attention from me. Here she is having a breakdown in the tub.
 Coen's shirt says "my crib rocks"
 Coen loves being in this thing and then I have two hands to push Ava in the stroller.
 I was having a hard and stressful day and this boy's smiles made it so much better.
 Coen still spits up, for the record.
 We made it through the stressful week. On Friday Brent stayed home from institute so that I could work all day. Then that evening we cleaned the house and packed for our trip to Utah. Then we had to leave our house at 3:45 am! I only slept two and a half hours that night. Our flight went really well to Utah and both the kids were angels the whole time even though it was so early.

Right when we got to Utah Brent went with the Cowleys to an Easter Egg hunt at the park. Ava loved it!

 That evening we had a party at Kay's house and Ava got to dye Easter eggs.
 ... and do another Easter egg hunt!

On Sunday we went to my parent's new ward where they are serving- a single's ward. I felt so old which was really weird. Wasn't I just single too? And now I have two kids?! Life happens fast!
Here's Coen in his "Easter" outfit. Haha, it was his only chance to wear this sweater!

After church we dyed more Easter eggs.

Ava provided top-notch entertainment all week.
Laura and Jordan didn't know that we were in Utah. My mom invited them to Easter dinner with the plan for Ava to answer the door and give them a great surprise! The anticipation was killing us as we waited for them to arrive. Finally my dad saw them pull up in the driveway and we got in position, with Ava ready to answer the door. We waited. And waited. Where were they? We looked out the window and they were just sitting in the car. Ava got bored and sat down.
Finally, they came to the door! Laura said, "Hi Ava!... wait..." Haha they were shocked! And we teased them about taking forever to come to the door. Apparently they were finishing listening to a talk. We had a fun Easter dinner together!
On Monday and Tuesday I had to go to work in the office because it was just two days left before my deadline at work. I worked a lot, but it was good to see my coworkers. Brent went out with his family to Mexican food (jealous!) and RC Willey, working on his parent's theater room.

On Wednesday I was happy to be home with my little buddy.
I miss the mountains so much!
We went to visit my dad downtown for lunch.
My mom and I went to yoga together. When we got home Grandma showed Ava some yoga.
We went out to dinner with Bob and Tammy to Training Table. We sure got spoiled when we were in Utah!
We went to the zoo with Cher's kids and my grandma and grandpa too.

My parents watched the kids so that Brent and I could go on a date out to dinner. My mom sent me this picture and I about died of cuteness overload.
Beautiful blue eyes
Brent went downtown on Saturday for both sessions of General Conference and I stayed with my parents. Ava painted while we listened.
In between sessions Ava got to go on her birthday date out to lunch with grandma and grandpa! She was really excited for it.
These two were only slightly distracting during conference
That evening Cher came down and we went to dinner while the boys had Priesthood. This picture is funny of the cousins playing.
We went on a walk and enjoyed the weather!
I love my sister a lot a lot.

That night, my mom gave us tickets to go see Laura and Jordan at the Hale in Orem in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamboat. The play was at 10 pm! We had so much fun watching them perform- they were so funny and entertaining.
I snuck a couple pictures really fast!
Jordan singing his solo- Benjamin's Calypso.

 We went with my cousin Jordan.
 On Sunday we had Grandma Dot's 90th birthday party. It was so fun to be in town for it!
 We sure love Grandma Dot.

Laura came up on Monday and helped watch the kids while I worked.
Our flight home to Utah was late that night. Both kids were good again! They slept for most of it.
I posted this picture and post on Facebook:
We landed at midnight and both kids were fast asleep. We waited until we we were the last ones on the plane and woke up Ava and told her she had to walk because Brent's arms were full with our luggage and I was holding Coen and another bag. Brent got off the plane and I couldn't wake Ava for anything. I couldn't carry her and Coen and make it through the skinny aisle. "Come on Ava, you're going to have to walk!" The flight attendant and I kind of giggled as Ava stood up for a second and then curled up on the aisle floor and went back to sleep. I wasn't sure what to do when all of a sudden the pilot showed up. "Come on sweetheart!" He picked her up and she cuddled right into his sleeve as he carried her for me. Haha, what a sweet man.
Lots and lots of people like the post, apparently, as it was shared over 300 times!
The next day I was so tired! I took a nap and Ava put a blanket on me, brought me toys, and pretend food and drinks.
Coen got spoiled in Utah and wanted to be held a lot!
This is how he felt when I put him down.
Poor buddy.
But, true to Coen nature, he perked up!
Ava also had a rough time coming back :) After her plate at lunch fell on the ground, I text this picture to Brent and told him, time to mop!
During the last couple of weeks Coen doesn't want to nurse anymore. He nurses for about 1-2 minutes and then looks at me like this:
Ava learned how to ride her bike all by herself, pedaling and everything!

 On Friday we went to the park for play group. It was such gorgeous weather, we stayed for two hours. Coen was in the wrap and slept the whole time.
When we got home from the park, I found this that Brent had left me: flowers from our yard and a little love note. It's one thing to get a love note when you feel like you've been a really great wife lately and doing awesome things. But it's another thing when it's completely unexpected because you haven't been a particularly awesome wife. It cheered me up so much. It really is the little things that make the biggest difference!
On Brent's spring break he organized our closets. It was the biggest project that needed to be done! We still had stuff piled up in boxes, and so we bought these shelves at Walmart and Brent organized them so nicely!
I made this fishing game for Ava a while ago and she looked so cute with her cowgirl hat doing it.
Two little buddies in our bed. It's a special treat for Ava to get in our bed :) She's not allowed in it at night. And she knows that she's not supposed to wake us up at night unless she's sick. The other night I woke up because I heard her feet going pitter-patter on the wood floor. I woke up but then couldn't hear her anymore. I didn't know where in the house she went, if she was sleep walking or what! I got up and slowly opened our door and she was sitting right next to the door with her blankets and her baby doll. This is exactly what I used to do when I was her age! Awww. I put her back in bed and sang to her for a while and she went back to sleep.

During the week I decided that Coen really needs an exersaucer. I started calling around to our second-hand stores, but no one had one in. I looked at some online and they are like $60-$80. I was debating and had one tagged in Amazon. On Saturday morning we went to library time and our library buddies were there. We were talking and Lisa said randomly, "hey, do you want an exercauser?" I was like "ummm yes!!!" She said they had one that they were trying to get rid of. What a blessing!
When we got home and got it set up, I looked at the one I had tagged in Amazon, and they are almost identical.
Ava got to play with her play dough kit that she got from her friend from her birthday. We have saved her presents and gotten them out one by one. She really loved this one and played for over an hour!
Thanks grandma and grandpa for our super fun trip to Utah!