Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Break & Busy Season

Toward the middle of March I started really getting busy with work and feeling the busy season stress. Luckily I have this cutie pie to keep me company sometimes while I work. He started learning how to hold on to toys.
 Ava brought in her tea party set and wanted to play with Coen.
 Ava loves Coen and was happy that he could watch a little bit of a movie with her.

 If only she were always this gentle with him!

I bought these window clings at the dollar store for Ava and she found them in the closet one day. I told her we could put them up and she said, "Me so excited! Me happy! Coen, you excited?" I love that she is so easy to please!
 For the past couple weeks she has loved looking at her windows clings. Also, notice it's been a pretty rainy couple of weeks!
 Every time I put Coen in the mobe wrap he just snuggles up and sleeps.
 Ava dancing one day for me- she was making me laugh so hard.
 So I took a couple videos to have for posterity sake.
You're welcome. And one more. It took a lot of effort, but I didn't ruin the video by laughing.

Oh what would we do without our Ava? Our life would be a lot more boring, that's for sure.

One day Ava and I were pretending that she was putting me to bed. She thought it was so fun to go through the bed time routine and read me fake stories and fake brush my teeth.
 She looked so beautiful when she fell asleep one night.
 Just in case you forgot, we live in Texas. Look what was there when I opened the garage. Ava said, "Rapunzel''s best friend?" Haha she's right (from Tangled)! Also, she was freaked out by it.
 We went out to dinner to a hamburger shop because I had a free birthday burger. They have a huge chalk board that both Ava and Brent liked.

Brent being cute with Coen:
 On Sunday we had our friend Rita over for dinner and then we had more friends from the ward come watch the Peanuts movie. It was cute! Coen got loved on the whole time.
 Then the week of stressful work began. I worked 40 hours this week even though it was Brent's spring break :( Luckily Brent took the kids for an outing to Ikea to get out of the house a little.
 Ava was excited about it ;)
March 15 marked one year since I found out we were going to have Coen. It's pretty amazing that one year ago he was just a few cells and now he's this big boy sitting up! The human body is amazing!
 He's growing long!
 Ava had her friend over for a play date and was in heaven.

 I let Coen get in the bath with Ava and afterwards it seemed he wanted more!
 I took Ava to library time on Thursday and she gets so excited to line up with the kids at the end and sing a song. I like how she's waving to me in this picture.
 Ava was excited to do yoga with me.
 Ava came out of her room dressed as Aurora, complete with a crown. This is why it's fun to have a three year old girl around. You just never know how they're going to show up: As Cinderella, Aurora, Elsa, a cowgirl, a ballerina, etc.
This picture describes their relationship well right now. Ava thinks she is very helpful all the time (putting her finger in Coen's binky to "help" him suck) and Coen is just kind of tolerating her. Haha. Also, she's always naked except for panties.
 I was so stressed by Thursday with work things and Brent was at school doing homework and Ava was being particularly toddler-ish. I called Brent and told him I felt like I was on the verge of losing it, especially when Ava peed in the closet when we were playing hide-and-go-seek. She never had an accident when potty training but this was the second time she's peed in the closet while hiding because she doesn't want to get out of her hiding spot. So anyways I was having a rough day but Coen just kept smiling and giggling at me all day. He made me feel so much better. I think I smile about 100 times more a day since he came along.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

 We went to IHop to get $1 pancakes for St. Patrick's Day. I hate that restaurant but Brent (and Coen) love it.
 I had Coen sleeping on the couch and was doing some chores. I came back to find Ava had helped by covering him with blankets, towels, and a newspaper ad.

One more video of Coen:
 On Saturday I worked a lot of the day but then that night we went to Red Robin for another one of my birthday burgers. It was fun! Then we came home and played games. And then after we put Ava to bed we watched the show we've been watching every night this week- Making a Murderer. That show is crazy! We've been a little consumed by it.
And that was Brent's spring break!

1 comment:

  1. how did i miss this post? nastiest lizard!!
    coen is always smiling, and ava is hilarious.
    and i really want to watch that murderer show. i will find it somehow!
