Sunday, June 7, 2015

Playing Tourists

We had a week and a half in between our Nauvoo trip and our drive out to Utah. On the days when I didn't have to work, we played tourists in Dallas and Fort Worth, which is fun since during the school year we were always busy with work and school. We also got some fun time in at our neighborhood pool/splash pad.

At home, Ava's choice of activity this week has been matching cups to their corresponding coaster. We are working on learning colors, but she mostly thinks everything is blue, which is the first one I taught her a long time ago.  Here's a video:
The first time Ava lined up her cups on the coasters she shouted out "awesome!!" Brent and I started cracking up. We think she learned it from Preston on our trip :)

She has been saying it non-stop. Here's a video because I love the way she says it:

On Tuesday we went to Dallas. Being the frugal person that I am, I had researched what free things there are to do in Dallas, and we had a great day! First we went to a park that is built on a freeway over-pass. It is right downtown, and reminds me a bit of Central Park because of the high-rises around it.

We happened to get there right in time for toddler time and Ava had a lot of fun dancing, and singing.

 They also had these cool blocks out to build and climb on. As you can see from Ava's cheeks, it was getting very very hot.

We next went to the Museum of Art, and it had so many cool things in it. I was very impressed, especially since admission is free! The main artist I wanted to see was Monet, and they had several from him.

Oh man, I love Monet.

They also had lots of other famous artists' work there. Here is a Picasso:

They also had some incredibly old art work and sculptures from the Greeks, like from several hundred years before Christ. It was a great museum and I felt very cultured :) After, we went back to the park so that Ava could play in the splash pad. It was so hot and felt so nice!
On Wednesday I worked and then that evening we had the missionaries and Rita over for dinner. Just in case Rita moves during the summer when we're gone, I got a picture with her.

On Thursday we met my friend Kirsten in Fort Worth. She used to work at HJ and has a boy a little younger than Ava. First we went to the stockyards and saw the cattle drive:

Next, we went to the Japanese botanical gardens. They were so beautiful!
 Ava and her friend liked feeding the koi:

This place will make you feel like an awesome photographer.

After the gardens we went out to BBQ with our friends. Kirsten and I always have tons to talk about, so it was really fun to catch up with her.

On Friday I worked, and then that night we took our friend Chris out to dinner. Saturday was a full day of preparing for our upcoming trip. Doing the yard, cleaning the house, etc. That evening Brent had his film friends and a professor over for dinner and movie clips. We thought it would be fun to do homemade pizzas, where everyone could make their own. It was fun and delicious, but it was a ton of work, and the oven heated up our house a lot!

Today we're having our last Disney night for a while, and then we are packing up and heading out to Utah, either tomorrow or Tuesday. We can't wait to see everyone in Utah!

1 comment:

  1. yes! Free stuff rules!!! I would go all of those places with you. :)
    also, yay! you're coming!!!
