Sunday, May 31, 2015

Last week of school

I didn't put this post up from the last week of Brent's school, which was the week before we went on vacation.

We bought Ava these number magnets and she started learning how to sort by color. She was working on her magnets and put her baby on the chair and was making the baby watch her and give her high-fives when she was doing a good job. Then when Ava was sitting on the chair, she fell off, and as soon as she landed she yelled, "baby, I'm oh-tay!" I could not stop laughing about it for so long.

Another day we were working on her magnets, and practicing the "abc" song. Here's a video of her singing along.

It continues to rain and rain and rain here. People that have lived here for 15 years have said this is the most rain they've ever seen in a year. I took this in a field by our house to show how much water we have. Lately this road, which Brent takes to get to school, has been closed because the river on the other side is flooding it. Here is what should be an empty field:

Our friend from the ward that always is so nice to give Ava hand-me-downs from her daughter, brought Ava some Disney dress-ups one day. Ava was so excited and I loved the look on her face when I helped her get dressed. She felt so beautiful, which she is :)

Speaking of being beautiful, one day when I took Ava to the park, I kept taking her picture because she looked so beautiful to me and I wanted to capture it.
I hope she will always know she is beautiful, in a good way of course :)

The last week of school was stressful for Brent with all of his finals and final papers, and then grading students' essays. He did a great job though and I'm proud of him for getting straight A's this whole year!  Ava snuggling daddy while he grades papers:

The day after Mother's Day Brent said, "I'm sorry Mother's Day wasn't anything special for you." I told him it wasn't anything special because he treats me like it's Mother's Day every day! He cooked dinner for me, did the dishes, cleaned the house, and watched Ava while I took a nap. He does all of these things regularly for me. Luckily I married a multi-tasker because he did all of this for me all year, took care of Ava while I worked, and did so well on his school-work too. Good job Brent! One year down, one to go for the Master's degree.

1 comment:

  1. yeah i love those beauty shots. :) nice lighting on them too.
    good work brent!
