Thursday, January 25, 2024

December 2023- Part 1- Rocket becomes a part of our family

 We did so many things in December that I'll only do the first half here. 

Ava had a playdate after school with her friend whose family lives right on the beach. The girls played and played in the sand, and then I came over and chatted with the mom for a while and let Audrey join too. What a life where your friend's backyard is the beach huh?

December 1 was the Christmas light parade in Laie. This is an awesome tradition they can do since it's so warm here! People decorate their floats/trucks with Christmas lights and throw candy to the kids. The parade went through every street in the town, so went right past our house!
Here's a video of the parade.

The parade ended at the elementary school and there was a carnival setting there with bounce houses. As you can imagine, our kids were in heaven.
Saturday morning - it was a non-Costco day, so we decided to head to our beach early enough in the morning that we didn't need to put on sunscreen. I feel like that saves so much time if we don't need to put on sunscreen! We only stay for about an hour if we do that though because around 10 or 10:30 we'll start burning.
The Moncurs invited us to his birthday party at Hukilau beach. Almost everyone was a college student and Brent and I felt old.
That evening we had the sister missionaries over to dinner. I had decided to make salsa verde soup (like a chicken chili) so that it could be cooking in the crock pot while we were at the party. One of the sister missionaries was so excited about the soup because it was exactly like her favorite meal her mom makes at home. She said, "I can't believe I'm tearing up over food! But it reminds me of home." It was sweet! 

Rocket kept meowing at our door so Brent decided to cook some scrambled eggs for him. We asked alexa what is safe to feed cats, and this was one of them. Oh Rocket, starting to sneak his way into our hearts.
Sunday evening was the First Presidency Christmas devotional. We decided to watch it in Brent's office and the kids colored while we listened.
We stopped at a beach to get some fresh air and the kids found this cool shelter.
When we got home the kids really wanted pancakes. I found that a little flour bag in our cupboard had been eaten through by little bugs.... ew! The flour was spilling out. Luckily most of our flour is kept in a sealed bucket and in our fridge. This was just an extra little bag, but the bugs (we think weevels) had eaten through our pasta too. 
After cleaning up the cupboard and throwing out the contaminated food, I did have success making pancakes- I found a yummy recipe and they turned out so fluffy.
Just a snapshot of two girls obsessed with their new kitty friend. This is Hawaiian Audrey- barefoot, running around our backyard with her friend and the cat.
We went on a ride on the "PCC bus" as the kids call it for our first time. It drives to BYUH campus, around Laie and then to the visitor center at the temple. 

Every stake on the island decorates a Christmas tree for the visitor center. This was our stake's, and it was dedicated to Maui.

That night my dinner turned out fancy- lemon salmon with a salad. The sprouts I had on hand just really made my salad feel like restaurant food :)
Brent took the kids to the dentist one morning. They were all brave, and no one had cavities!
In the evening Brent helped me reach the shelves up top that had been infested with bugs. We sorted through our food and wiped down the shelves. This is one of the hard things of living in Hawaii- the battle to preserve your food against humidity and bugs!
Brent's birthday fell on a Thursday which meant we weren't going to see him much since he teaches all day and then goes straight to the temple until 9:30pm. I spent the day working from his office so I could see him! We took a break to warm up (the AC in his office is freezing) and admire this courtyard that is newly finished.
BYUH graduation fell on a Friday. I walked Brent part way to school and then came home to start working. But our work system was down and so I got on Facebook for a minute while I was waiting. I saw that Elder Kearon, the commencement speaker, had just been called as the newest apostle the day before. I decided that my work going down was just the push I needed to go hear the newest apostle speak. I ran over to campus and enjoyed commencement!
Here's Brent in his robes, in the faculty section.
Elder Kearon said he hadn't slept much the night before- can you imagine? He met with President Nelson and was called as an apostle and then went to the airport to fly to Hawaii. He said that he was amazed that the talk he had prepared weeks beforehand, was actually as much for himself as it was for the graduates. He talked about moving forward with faith into the unknown- putting your hand into the hand of God. He shared this poem: 
“And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’
And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’
So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.
And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day." - Minnie Louise Haskins

Ava loves to snuggle Rocket. I think it has been so good for her to have something to love on and need to be gentle with.
Audrey wrote her name for the first time!
Our ward Christmas party was ward camp at Hukilau beach. They had the large main tent decorated like Jerusalem, and people were encouraged to come like they lived in the days of the Bible.
After our potluck dinner, some shepherds told the children that they had seen the baby Jesus. I held Audrey's hand as all of the kids followed the shepherds carrying torches, in a loop- behind the trees and then along the sandy beach in the dark. Everyone was so quiet and the stars were out so bright as we made our way along the beach. 

The shepherds led us to Mary & Joseph and Baby Jesus (a couple in our ward who had recently had a baby boy.) It was so touching to see a live nativity out in nature, with all of the kids quietly watching. Then the children sang their Primary songs they had been rehearsing for the Baby Jesus. It was such a beautiful memorable experience!
A little video:
We did not sleep over at camp, but we went back in the morning for some breakfast and crafts. Then it was on to town for our errands. We stopped at the Dole Farm on our way:

Tiny pineapple growing!
The poinsettias spell DOLE.
Back at home- the kids (especially Audrey) play and play in the backyard. So carefree!
I can't remember which beach this is- I think just the one by our house for a sunset walk.
We struggled with Ava's moods and yelling. I'm trying to balance remembering things as they were, vs not sharing everything. So I'll keep it short and sweet to say it has been extremely difficult, but we are getting help and making progress.
Our stake had a Christmas music fireside. The music professors at BYUH are in our stake and put on an amazing performance with all sorts of talented people. It was SO good. At the end they had cocoa rice and bread for refreshments.
A lady in our ward gave us this nativity set. I think she knew we came with hardly anything. I was grateful to have one nativity set this year (and one that kids could play with!) since ours are all packed away in Oregon.
This box at Brent's office provides hours of entertainment:
We decided to ditch homework and responsibilities on Monday after school and went to the PCC instead. Brent didn't have to teach that night because finals were over! If this isn't a real life Monet scene, I don't know what is!
The sunset was just so pretty that night! Sometimes we just have to set aside our responsibilities and enjoy Hawaii. 

The PCC had a Giving Machine this year! We let the kids each choose something to buy for someone else and talked about how some people don't have food, and toys, and things like we do. It made me teary thinking about the people that would be in need of these services.
At Costco we bought more containers so that everything in our cupboard is sealed- even our salt shaker is kept in a tupperware. We're hoping that keeps the bugs away!
Coen set up the nativity set so cute in front of the tree.

Audrey loving on Rocket. 
Our ward had a fun activity for the primary kids called Santa's workshop. Everyone was invited to donate things from their house they didn't want anymore and the Primary presidency gathered it up. Then at Santa's workshop, the kids went through (with a YM/YW helper) and chose something for each family member and wrapped it. The kids came home so excited about their gifts!
Audrey was so funny and couldn't stand trying to keep it a secret what she picked out for me. She told me, "Mom, I got you something that is the same thing as what I'm looking at right now (staring at her baby doll). But it's wearing different clothes. But I'm not going to tell you what clothes it's wearing." Then a couple days later she brought me the package and said, "Just take a peek mom."

The kids continued our tradition of coloring on the envelopes of our Christmas cards. They are such good little artists! Coen took his time with each one, so he only did a few and Ava did the majority.
Since I can't go to my work Christmas party, my boss lets me go out to a nice dinner and then submit it for reimbursement. This year our sister missionary friend who works at the PCC told us that there was a deal going on for the Luau. Perfect timing! So we got a babysitter for our first time in Hawaii and went to the Luau! 

The program had Christmas numbers which was fun. I especially liked the hula to "White Christmas."
As we sat there sipping our drinks out of the pineapple, we had one of those moments like "where has our life taken us? Is this real life?" We talked about how we could have never expected in a million years when he started out on his PhD journey that his first job would take us to Hawaii. 
A little video:

We watched them take the pig out of the ground where it had been cooking. I told Brent, the pig was flatter than I expected. Haha.  He said it's because they've already taken out all of the pig's innards. 

These pina coladas in the pineapple were bottomless- I don't know how Brent fit all the food in his stomach, but he drank like five of them haha. 
It was kind of chilly this night- notice I'm wearing jeans? We actually had to run home and get our jackets before the night show because with the wind and it only being like 68 or 69 and no sun, it felt chilly! Our friend Megan babysat our kids and we had them get dinner at the PCC and then walk home and play at the house. It was a fun night for all of us!

Rocket's owners (the BYU students next door) were all leaving for the Christmas break and asked if we could feed Rocket. I said of course, because our kids adore him. Audrey asked me, "Is Rocket in our family now?" I said yes, just for Christmas break. I started feeding Rocket morning and night, and he started coming over to our house a lot more and following me around. 

My little buddy staying by me while I do laundry outside. I am not a cat person, but Rocket insists on being loved. Brent said the reason why I like Rocket is because he actually acts like a dog. Rocket runs to us excitedly when we get home, wants to be held and cuddled, and loves to play with a ball. 
When I came out to switch my laundry, I noticed where Rocket was lounging- our stroller ha! This video I took of him is one of my favorites.
OK by this point, you're probably like enough with the cat! Look at what happened- we became cat people.  This video of Audrey and Rocket also makes me laugh. 
Sorry, not sorry. Audrey brushing Rocket with his brush.
Coen had a basketball clinic to kick off his season. I signed him up for the local basketball program and they practice at Laie park. This is the only park in Laie, and it's actually owned by the Church and belongs to the stake, which the church building being next door. 
I bought Christmas sprinkles and cookie cutters in the previous week's errand day (proud of myself for planning ahead!) and we made Christmas cookies! We wished we could do it with all of the Cowley cousins as is tradition, but we were happy to do it still. We turned on Christmas music and sweated while we made and decorated cookies :) 
We made plates for Brent's coworkers and took them around to their houses. Cookies was an all day project, but so fun! 
We had a family zoom call for my mom's birthday which was fun since we never all chat:
Ava went to her friend's birthday party, which was Harry Potter themed. She came home with this very impressive broom she had made and told us about how they had played quiditch. The family had gathered enough sticks and leaves for each kid to make a broom like this. Ava has been making good friends at school which makes me happy!