Monday, July 22, 2019

May 2019- Mother's Day and a visit from my parents

I just love my little buddy when he gets home from school. Sometimes Brent picks him up for me so I can keep working but I always need to get hugs from him.
 Here's my bump at 25 weeks.
 It was such gorgeous weather on a Sunday so we went to the park to do our family study time and then play in the sand.
One day after school I worked a bit and let the kids play unattended. I came downstairs to find this:
And then this the next time I checked (Coen said he was writing letters on his tummy):
For family night Coen likes to play the "find the coin" game. Ava got her eye mask to help Coen cover his eyes.
Ava was off school but Coen had school, so I set Ava up with some things to do while I worked. She does well if I write out a schedule, with activities changing every 30 minutes or so. She colored by me for a while.
I took Ava on a date to the high school to see Peter Pan.

My belly at 6 months with baby #3
And my belly at 6 months with Ava: 

It was really hot one Saturday so the kids ran through sprinklers. It was so fun to get a taste of summer coming! Ava got completely soaked in the sprinklers, but Coen was strategic about it so that only his legs go a little wet.
We celebrated Coen's half birthday when our friend came over for hamburgers and a movie. Brent put on the Unbirthday song from Alice in Wonderland and Coen was so excited.
Mother's Day- Brent made me dinner and pampered me, which isn't too different from other days :) He gave me a Kitchen Aid mixer. I sure love being a mom to these cuties. It gives my life purpose and brings me so much joy. It stretches and frustrates me too, but the joy far outweighs the difficult moments.
When I was reading Ava the Book of Mormon before bed one night, she began asking me about the 2nd Coming, and if we will know that Jesus came. I told her, yes everyone will know that He came, and this time when He comes, everyone will know that He is Jesus Christ. She smiled sweetly and said, "I already know it." The words hit me as so profound and brought a lump to my throat. She already knows it.

Coen made this at preschool for Mother's Day and it made me laugh so hard. I love my mommy because... she always "needs to go to the bathroom."
I got this squirt-gun for Coen's half birthday. It was the best dollar spent because he spent hours over the next couple weeks squirting it outside.
One night Coen was screaming in his sleep. I went in his room to try to calm him from his nightmare, and he said in his sleep while still crying, "Ava ate-d my jelly bean!"

While I was making dinner, the kids were entertained by playing hair salon.
I love it when they play together!

Coen and all of his animals:

After school one day, I picked up a very happy Ava. She usually is happy for about 10 minutes, and then often gets very grumpy and lets out all the stress from the day.
Coen and I went to watch Ava's "fun run" fundraiser
She was very excited and ran a whole mile in the 10 or 15 minutes allotted the kindergartners. I was proud of her!
On Friday night our friends watched the kids and let them sleepover so Brent and I could have a date for our anniversary. We went to dinner at BJ's and then came home and finished part of an old movie we had been watching that week. (Because I can only make it through about 30 minutes of a movie these days without falling asleep). In the morning we got to sleep in a bit since we had no kids waking us up! I don't have any pictures from the whole date because apparently we were having too much fun :) Being married to Brent is the very best part of being me.

After we picked up the kids from their sleepover we went to a free movie with Brent's school- the Missing Link. They had rented a theater for all the graduate students. We then went to Brent's friend's house for lunch. Waseq and his wife are from Bangladesh and made us yummy food from their country.

Waseq's wife teaches organizational behavior classes using Legos and the kids really enjoyed playing with her collection:

Outside Waseq's apartment complex Ava found a two-wheeler, which she's never ridden, and her first time to try it she took off and rode a good 5-10 feet! She really needs her own two-wheeler!
Coen, ready to face time Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday.
Coen cracking me up in the backyard with his rainboots and bow tie combination:

Our actual anniversary fell on a Monday, the day we don't get to see each other very much since Brent gets home from school around 10pm. Luckily that morning I had an OB appointment, so we had a little "date" to the doctor :) Here we are, 9 blissful years!
Ava in one of her moods...
On a Tuesday I flew to SLC for a partner/manager meeting. My boss had called me about 10 days before and said I am being promoted this fall to a manager, so I'm invited to the meeting. I was so nervous to go with all the big bosses and stay in a hotel and eat different food, and all that. But it ended up being good. They took us out to fancy steak restaurants and the food was GOOD. Here I am one morning ready to go.
We went up to Park City, to the Olympic village. It was cold and rainy. I didn't do any ropes course (obviously) so I just walked around with other people and watched.
While I was out of town Brent took the kids to IHOP and they were so excited for their free pancakes. What a nice daddy:

My morning photo to send to Brent. I was only in Utah Tues-Thursday. Wearing this outfit home on the plane, was the first time this pregnancy that a stranger has asked me when I'm due. I'm finally showing enough at 6.5 months.
Back at home, Coen being a goof.
My parents came on Saturday and we were excited for company! They had driven down from Seattle, through Portland, and then to us. We went to dinner at BJ's:
The kids were excited for Grandma attention:
On Sunday I took my parents to the rhododendron park. It was peaceful and beautiful walking around.

On Monday we went to see the new Aladdin movie and we all liked it! We went out to lunch and played. And my parents fixed our squeaky doors and stubborn bathroom drain :)

After my mom and I ran into the home improvement store to get the WD40, we couldn't find the car. When I called Brent, he had parked right by some HUGE "friends." He thought it was so funny and my mom and I were terrified to get close to where he had parked:

On Tuesday my parents got to see the kids' schools and then my mom helped me organize all the baby clothes in the garage that we've been saving for years. Thanks mom! I couldn't quite bear to get rid of ALL the boy clothes, so I saved a few special ones.
A couple days later, we had a play date and the kids had fun dressing up and doing a fashion runway:

I taught a class at work (via skype) that went right through lunch so I got Subway after getting Coen from school. He was so excited to be "sharing" with me (he had one small bite).
That evening I took the kids to the PTA fair at the school. I text Brent a few minutes after I got there and asked him to come home from school sooner- I had gotten myself into a little pickle. I was having so many Braxton Hicks and a lot of pain standing, it was hard for me to stand with the kids in lines and help them with the activities. He is sweet and left his school work and came to help me and the kids enjoy the fair.

The kids' bedtime was 8:30pm this year and this is how light it was in May at that time! Luckily we have pretty good curtains to help darken their room. 
And that concludes May- it was time to start getting ready for our trip to Utah!