Sunday, June 16, 2019

April 2019- Brent goes to DC and I hold down the fort

We brought our blocks home from Utah at Spring break, so Coen was happy to build with them.

We enjoyed some nice sunny weather! I pulled weeds while the kids dug in the dirt and found rocks.
Ava earned this Certificate of Achievement award at school- I'm not even totally sure what she did to earn it, but her teacher tells me that she is such a good girl at school.
Play date at the Wilsons, Coen is learning how to be gentle with a baby.
Ava went to Fred Meyer with me. It was her lucky day! They were doing a cake walk and she participated but didn't win. The workers tracked her down and gave her the cake because no one was on the winning number. She also got a cake pop and a balloon so she was happy!
While watching General Conference, I taught Ava what a solo is. Ava said, "if I'm in the tabernacle choir, I want a dress with no buttons and to sing a solo."

We went to the Wilsons during the Priesthood session. Ava was very excited about her new umbrella and playing in the rain.

During one of the sessions of conference, Coen spent time decorating his body with stickers.
After Coen' school, we have some one on one time. Then he usually watches Daniel Tiger while I work some more.
Brent went out of town to Portland for a conference. He was sad to miss Ava's kindergarten program. The theme was dinosaurs and she sang and danced her heart out.

I took Ava and Coen to a birthday part on Saturday. Ava got all dressed up and asked me to take a picture for dad because "he won't recognize me!"
Brent went to voodoo donuts in Portland while at the conference. He presented on editing technology at the conference.
On Saturday night I made the kids popcorn and they watched some Mickey Mouse cartoons in my room. Ava said "how about we do this every weekend!" It was a little lonely without Brent on the weekend.
Ava reading to Coen, so cute!
My cute dinosaur boy.
Brent came home for one day in between his conferences in Portland and Washington DC. He was at school all day though, so the kids didn't see him too much. He flew to DC on a Tuesday early morning and had a great time!
He loved the special speaker from CNN, April Ryan and was excited when she even had to take a break in her speech to go on air with CNN to do an interview.
Back at home, Coen woke up in the night so I put him in my bed.

It was hard work taking care of the kids, housework, and doing my job while Brent was out of town. I missed him so much! Luckily my friend Diana took the kids for me two afternoons and that helped me a lot. I went to Ava's school to meet her for lunch.
One day I got frustrated with Ava and put her in time out in her room upstairs. After a little bit, I went to get her and say sorry for losing my temper, and she was sitting in her closet writing me love notes! 

Brent loved touring DC when he wasn't at the conference. He walked all over to see the sites, and walked back to his hotel. He walked lots of miles!

Coen loves doing yoga. It's cute to watch.
We met a couple friends at the park and did an egg hunt there on a Saturday morning. It was good for us to get out of the house because the kids were already driving me crazy in the morning and we had all weekend to go before Brent got home!

On Saturday evening we went to a friend's house in the ward for another Easter hunt and a potluck. They have 5 acres so it was the perfect yard for it.
On Saturday evening I asked the kids if they thought it was a good idea to have the Easter Bunny wait one more day to come to our house so that Dad could be there. They both thought it was a great idea and Ava wrote this letter: "Dear Easter Bunny can you come here on Sunday nite."
She drew a picture of the Easter Bunny holding hands with our family.
Easter pictures:
Just the three of us hanging out.
The Wilsons invited us over for Easter dinner. After dinner we acted out the story of the resurrection. Here Coen is a guard at the tomb.
The kids (apostles, guard, and Mary) looking in the tomb to see that Jesus was gone.
Brent got home late Sunday night. On Monday morning, Coen was happy to see his dad!
And, the Easter Bunny listened and came on Sunday night! Before school the kids found their eggs and looked at their baskets. They were thrilled :)

Ava got mechanical pencils, bubbles, pajamas, and a dress.
After we took the kids to school, Brent and I went to my OB for a "date." We had another ultrasound to check out a few things that they couldn't see at my 19 week ultrasound. Everything looked good, and the tech even turned on the 3D, which was our first time to get a 3D ultrasound. It was so cool to see in person! Brent said, "whoa, she looks like Coen!" She kept her hands up above her head and slept through the whole thing. The cord is floating in front of her lips in this picture.

After the OB, we went to Costco as we usually do. Brent gets a piece of pizza and I get a smoothie. We were so happy to have a little time together after being apart for about 10 days!

Here's my growing bump at 24 weeks. Also, my new glasses!
I took the kids to a special Pirate story time at the library one evening. It was so fun, singing pirate songs, a pirate puppet show, and they got to dig for treasure.

We had so many ants in our kitchen that I was trying to get rid of for about a week. One day I was exasperated and said, "where are the ants coming from?!" Coen heard me and responded "God made them." 

We went to Hendrick's Park to see rhododendrons but we were a little too early. It was so beautiful walking around though.  Coen was wanting to make funny faces in the pictures that were cracking me up.

We had a picnic on the lawn:
We went to Pre's rock, which is were Prefontaine, a famous athlete, crashed and died. 
The kids and I dyed eggs:

Ava looked super cute for ballet:

Here's my bump again, at 25 week. I think I grew a lot this week! And I felt it, with crazy ligament pain.
And that concludes April!