Sunday, March 4, 2018

February 2018- Valentines and a fake snow day

The month of February flew by with more weeks of being just plain busy. 
I like to spend some one-on-one time with Ava painting our nails. She loves it!
 Cute kids in dress ups. Coen stayed in this boy dress up for a couple hours which was note-worthy.
 I took Ava to kindergarten orientation and her school looks like it's going to be so amazing! Lots of people in our ward go there and say that they have only good things to say about the school. I'm so happy about that.

Ava was telling me about how her friends at school had told a story about a beast. I took this video because I love the way she talks so animatedly.
 It was warm one day so I was able to play with Coen on our back patio!

 He was looking so cute in his car, pretending like he was leaving me to go to school. He was waving bye to me, saying "love you!"
I took a couple videos from the afternoon:
In this video when I ask if he was nice to his friends, he says "no, happy." He thinks happy means good.
Here's a video of Coen reading "monkeys jumping on the bed." 

 Lots of reading time with these kids lately!
 Our ward had an adult Valentines dance which Brent did not want to go to, but he did because he loves me. :) It was so funny when I came down the stairs dressed up, Coen looked at me and said "wooooow."

At first when we got to the dance, there were only a couple people there and we were like, this is so awkward! But then some more people came and we ended up having fun, and yes we both danced!
 We went on a Saturday outing to Costco which Coen just loves! All the samples are perfect to fill up a toddler for lunch.
 We went to dinner at our friend's house, and they all adore Coen. It's cute. We decorated cookies for Valentines Day.

 While Ava was at a friend's house one day, Coen asked if I would sit with him at his little table for lunch. I said ok and then I text Brent, "it's like we're on a date! except for he's farting and laughing about it."
For Valentines I bought myself flowers that would last a little longer and make our porch look pretty! They are still alive a few weeks later!
Coen looking cute in his jeans with his bare tummy, and Ava displaying all sorts of emotions.

 Ava was so happy she got to choose something from the treasure box at school. She said it was because she was able to sing the whole song for the months of the year. Here's a video:
My book club with my friends from the ward was on The Crown TV show. We had a little British party and it was so fun. I wish I had a picture, but I don't! So just picture us wearing kid crowns and drinking juice out of fancy tea cups.

For Valentines, I had big plans to make a dinner with a lot of pink foods, but work turned out to be so busy that the only pink food we got was pizza from Papa Murphy's and pink jello :) Ava picked out the pink tablecloth at the dollar store and was so excited. I made hearts for each of my valentines with things I love about them.
I didn't eat pizza with my family, but went out to Mexican food for a surprise birthday party for a friend.
Brent turned over his valentine heart that I made for him and he wrote reasons why he loves me. One of them cracked me up. It said "you get excited about things like the Olympics, royalties, and midgets." He knows me so well.

I had a really busy week of work, working 30 hours instead of 20 hours, but we didn't have babysitters that week! Coen threw up one day but then he didn't act sick, and luckily none of the rest got it. It was a crazy week and here's a picture of what my office looked like at the end of it.
All the kids made roses for their moms at preschool, but Ava made hers for Makaylie in Texas which I thought was so sweet! We text this picture to her.
One day Coen was being such a stinker at lunch. He kept having a melt down about every little thing, like if a piece of meat fell out of his sandwich. Ava said, "Coen how about we have a picnic together?" She got out the tablecloth we use for this and that made him happy until something with his food made him fall apart again. I was in no mood to deal with him doing this, but she sat by him and helped put the pieces of meat back in his sandwich.
It was such a sweet moment and I thought to myself, Ava's being helpful!

Here's a video of Coen being silly, hiding something in his shirt
I took Ava on a ton of errands and also to let her pick out a few birthday presents. We had a lot of fun!

I bought some fake flowers for my vase in the entry way. The entry way is my space that is not taken over by Brent's movies :) It was a stretch for me to know what color and types of flowers to pick out, but I looked a a picture for inspiration on pinterest, and then went for it.
We had Krystal over for her birthday and we had her favorite food which is basically mine too, grilled chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy! We even had a candle and sang to her :) I visit teach Krystal and she used to be Ava's primary teacher. 

We had Ava's friend over for a play date and I thought they looked so cute together all dressed up.

Funny kids
One morning Coen woke me up at 5 am. I started working at 6, and then when Brent went to school at 9, I cut Coen's hair, cleaned our kitchen and mopped the floor, and put dinner in the crockpot, all by 11am. This is the reason I am always so exhausted!
Fresh hair cut
Ava's really loving practicing her letters.
It snowed about an inch here- our first time to see snow here in Eugene! You can see how much is on the roads, and the school district did a 2 hour delay, which meant Ava's school was cancelled for the day! It had all melted by 10am so it seemed so silly to us Utahns!
Luckily Max's mom took Ava along with Coen so I could still get my work done. She even let the kids make a miniature snowman and sent me this picture.
Later that day we had a playdate with some friends in the ward, making our fake snow day pretty fun!
On Friday evening I had a girls night Valentines party. The ladies in this ward are so social, and we get together about twice a month, plus play dates with the kids which is really fun for me since I would otherwise have no social life. I was feeling so tired with a bad headache before, but I still went and had fun. When I got home Brent had cleaned the house and written me a sweet note which made everything better. Each week this semester has been hard and tiring, and it just keeps building up so I am always just worn out.
At the girls party we had a gift exchange, and this is what I brought home- a home made welcome sign that will go perfectly hanging in my entry way.
I took the kids shopping at Target on Saturday to give Brent some time to do his homework. In the dollar section, I tried these bunny ears on Ava. Another mom looked over and said "totally. do it." You can bet we did.
I found some birthday presents for myself, one of which is this skirt!
Ava was excited all Sunday morning to be the birthday girl in Primary. They sang to Ava and I both and my friend snapped this picture:
Here are my flowers arranged in their vase! I also bought myself that little pink bunny for an Easter decoration.
My entry way, with a little start! Next up are the walls.
Coen is so orderly. Instead of eating his tacos from the front on like we all do, he ate his carefully in a row going at it from the side, like corn on the cob or something.
Our babysitter sent me this picture because it cracked her up how Coen closes his eyes when they're playing a game.
My little bunny.
We went to I-hop for free pancake day. Brent loves this place but I can hardly stand it!
 Here's a video of Coen being Batman that made me laugh. He's a timid Batman.
Brent was trying to talk Coen into wearing Spiderman instead of a princess dress up. He showed him videos of what Spiderman can do with his webs and Coen thought it was pretty cool for a little bit.
We went to the Blue and Gold Banquet and it was the Olympics theme. By the way, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Olympics almost every evening! Brent tolerated them and was so glad when they were over.
The kids played Olympic games and we had yummy South Korean food.
Coen found a girl that really wanted to hold his hand. He surprisingly didn't want to hold her hand too much and swatted her away a couple times, but then gave in.
When I showed Coen the pictures on my phone later and asked him if this is his girlfriend, he said "tiny bit!"
And that concludes February!